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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />B. state exactly is iIr...e:Ded to te da1e en or with the prt:.p'...rty .r-idl <br />does not o::a'1fo...-rm with the city Code: <br /> <br />~~~ <br /> <br />20. AJplic:ants a re:ari..~. special use pemit, RiD. varian:e, di,,'isian <br />of lot~ or pla~~~ of prqIerty a-ore encntragEd to ccn:i..:ct a neighbcrhtJod <br />REtin:J at least fifteen (15) days before th& ~ed Pla.rr.L"I;J ~!';.sia1 <br />~ BeariJq. an:! ::>ball SE:!I'd notiQE!S to all .)f the aff~ prcpert:y a...~. <br />AffecteU owners Me 1b:se lista3 cr. the reqri.rei Abstractor's cer+--ificate. '!be <br />aeetiDj si".all be a t:iJIe for the ~1ic::ant to n:!I7iew a.'1:i explain the l"'~ <br />deYel~ m t!1e awrES. <br /> <br />'Ibis PJlicy ~ies atiy 1it1e:r- residential ptq)!rty, k-l thr;:u;!h R-8. is listEd <br />em. '::be Ab.l1.~'s oartificate. 'Ibis poUcy cbes rot CIIJp.:' to ~ <br />prqJOSed for de!VelGpEnt \ot'.ich is :cned R-l an:l wil: be or: c:xrtiroe t" be used <br />for sin;Jle faIrily hcusiIq. <br /> <br />Plaase iJdicate the dat:e th..,t }<"OU have JEt ::sr ..-i1.l be xaeetin3 with 1:he affected <br />pn:"1erty CW1erS: <br /> <br />21. ~ as JX:ited. the ~on aJSt be e~itted for all <br />~icM:icr.s. <br /> <br />A. lQUicatioo aod Fee <br /> <br />B. MJstract.a!"s Certificate listing the lW.ES A.~ A~~ 00 I~S ::If the <br />amers of the 1ard within 350 feet of the ~es oi tie prqIert:y b-1 <br />~cn ~a.] use, rezooh-g, R"D aro L:a:prehensive plan <br />IdIoeM. awlioatians is requi..'"ed. 25U feet fox vari-.ance, lot divisioos, <br />preliminary/final plat, ha.Jse relocation, an3 v=catioo of ri~-<!f~y <br />~icatia'JS is ~_ <br /> <br />C. PrqIcsed plal'1S (2 c::q>ies) in::luii.""t;! site pla."'I, la.~~ plan, gradi.--.; arC <br />drainage plan, am a'terior l::uildiIY;J ~enatioo draw:'_~ ~din:} <br />materials is rec;uind (l o:py fer shc>reline pennit) . <br /> <br />.... <br />_. <br /> <br />~-.:.~ -:-f ~ ~r.~f> ~le of t-"Ie ~ p::'a.'1 (26 ccpies). (1 ..q:;i <br />ooly fr>r Sihcreline pe..'Ulitsj. <br /> <br />E.. tiat.rative - (See attac:heQ content re::p.L.-er:e...-ts} . <br /> <br />F. tb:uments as required by the City PlaI'!'oPr. <br />