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<br />Mark Rancone, Case No. 2G(E <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />3. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDA~ION <br /> <br />Ther8 are three ~ issues related to cO!:lplianC"~ wi<:h the <br />o=iginaJ approval: <br /> <br />1) Consistent exterior finish. <br /> <br />2) Additional parking on the north side of the builcing. <br /> <br />3) EnclQsure of trash dumpsters. <br /> <br />The applicant t,as discussed thE first t...-o issues in his variance <br />request, but not tne third. <br /> <br /> <br />It is clear fro!:! the discussions prior t.o the 1950 rezoning, the <br />conditions attached to the Special Use Fe~it, and the wording of <br />the Zoning Code, that the City expec~ed a hi~her ~lality standard <br />of development in the B-4 District than for typical warehouse <br />uses. We believe the conditions attached to the Special Use F~rmit <br />f:J=- the conversion of this warehouse to a retail us~ were clear, <br />unarnbi~Jous, and reasonable. It is also ~ell established from <br />planning case law that economic considerations alone d~ not <br />constitute a hardship for thg qnsntinq of a variance. We stronqly <br />reco:ru::end denial of the va.riance request for the first issue, <br />related to the consistent eA-terior finish, and urge the Planning <br />COiU."1\issian to r~cor.lIx:end to the City Council that the applicant be <br />required to be~in the work immediately on ~oth the north an~ west <br />sides of the building or forfeit the bond amount. In the originai <br />approval, the requirement to complete this work. on th~ north sidE, <br />was not co"nec~ed to the need for future parking, and we do not <br />belie"e it needs to be connected now <br /> <br />On the issue of parking, our discussion~; with the n:.presentsti..oe <br />of REI and our visits to the site indicate tJ;ere :, not no~ a <br />parking problem, and so the City does not need to require the new <br />parKing lot tc be built at this time. We *i11 continue to monitor <br />the situation and report back to the Planning CQmmission if a <br />problem develops. <br /> <br />Trash handling ~as required tQ be handled within t:he building and <br />this is not now being done. If the ccndi~ion continues the Cit~ <br />can issu~ a citatiQn to the o~~er fer the violatiQn. <br />