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<br />Hark Ra~cone, Case Nc, 2046 <br /> <br />page 4 <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />That staff revie~ fi~al landscaping, <br />drainage plans inclu~inq landscaping on <br />south s1des of the building, and around <br />box on the sc~th side of the b~ilding. <br /> <br />lighting, and <br />the north and <br />the electrical <br /> <br />\~e believe city staff these plans soon citer ....,e <br />1990 approvaJ. <br /> <br />8. That fin~l exterior colors b2 reviewed by City staff. <br /> <br />We belicJe City staff revie;.:ec the colors soon after t.he <br />1990 <br /> <br />9. At ~:._;. time as the City dete:nnines that a p~kiD<I <br />problem exists, thE'; owner shall be required to provi4e <br />additional parking north of the building as shown on <br />plans submitted December ~9, 198~. <br /> <br /> <br />On May 31, we spoke with a:\ e1kpluyee of REI who has worked <br />there since the opening and who has observed the area under <br />a variety of cenditions (evenings, Satur~ays, etc.). He <br />reported ~hat REI employees routinely park in the Bank <br />parking lot across the street, but that customers do ilv~ <br />have a problem finding a space in the lot. <br /> <br />1.0. That no certificate of Occupanc.y be issued for any o~ <br />the reQ&in~ng 24,000 square feet until the remainder o~ <br />e~terior requirements ~re completed. <br /> <br />A temporary CO was issued, with the City holding a $50,000 <br />bond to insure cOJJipletion of c.he exterior wor:.;:. <br /> <br />Zoninq Code Refere.,nces <br /> <br />The zoning Code outlines th~ e:.:pectati,"ms for development in the <br />B-'; District: <br /> <br />"'i'he m.:rtJose of t.he 5-4 Reta il Office Se~'viC'e District is to <br />provide for a limited mixture ot land :.1ses, rodue ",...t......l}y <br />COi~patible t.hroUlJh controls and high quality stanc.ardsi to <br />facil.i.tate mere intensi\'e and higt:e!:' valued develoument and <br />redevelopment of areas convenient t~ the Metropolitan market <br />area. This district shall allow opportunities to ii"ltegrate <br />high q;lality office structures, hetels, r'-staur.ani~s, retail <br />uses, and selected office service and t;Uality mai"'ufacturinq <br />uses, providing the opport.unity to b&!leL,t from excellent <br />visibi lity from major arterial routes in conjunction with <br />major local thoroughfares.<< (Section S.3SG) <br />