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<br />REQ~ES7 FOR CO~NCIL ACTION <br /> <br />DATE: 6-22-92 <br /> <br />ITS'! ~O.: <br /> <br />Depart~ent Approval: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Manager Reviewed: <br /> <br />;:;.genda Section: <br /> <br />-------.... <br />'p " <br />. 'y..-....:..." <br />~ . \ "----^ <br /> <br />Hear iI~gs <br /> <br /> <br />Item Description: <br /> <br />Mark Rancone request ior a~endment to <br />conditions on a special use permit, re~cning: <br />and variance granted for the Schneider.aann I s <br />Cent2r at: 1935 W. County Road B-L. <br /> <br />Bac;'~arou '1d: <br /> <br />1. In Jam.:ar.i of 1990, the C:i ty Council approved a rezoning, <br />spec1.a.l use permit, and variance to alj.ow the conversion of <br />the existing warehouse building at J 9S5 W. Cuur:ty Road B-2 <br />into a ~etail center housing ~ Schnelderm?nn's Furniture <br />Store. There were ten co~ditiD~s attached to that approval. <br /> <br />2. Roseville Properties Inc. is now requesbng t.'lat t..'le City <br />C:oun::::il recons:.der th~ follow-i:19 conditions: <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />That a cor:sist~nt €},:terior <br />tour sidf!s vt the <br />whenever any portiop- of the <br />leased for retail, whic~ever <br /> <br />finis~ oc provided on all <br />en or before June 1992 or <br />~ernaining 24,000 sq. ft. is <br />comes first. <br /> <br />2. Toat no Certificate of Occ1.<pancy be issued for any of <br />the rema.ining 24,000 Siq. ft. until the remainder of the <br />exterior requirements are completed. <br /> <br />-. . <br /> <br />Roseville Properties is rl:!g'JEostinq that t::1e ~xterior reI11ain <br />as it c'..lrrently exists inste_~d of c02pletinc; the reef'ired <br />stucco and rr,etal ba"d on the eAt:erio~ ,,",'aIls on the north and <br />the north part of the ftest side. <br /> <br />..- <br /> <br />Roseville Properties Inc. ha:5 rented the 24,000 sq. ft. to <br />REl. Staff has issued a ternpc-rarf Certificate of Occ!.lpancy <br />based on this ~pplication ~oving fo~ard a~d on the fact that <br />a bono ha..:; been provided fo~; $50, oao (the approxiMate cost to <br />complete t.he exterior) ....hi;;h the City may call if <br />rt:!consideratio:1 is d'.2n::.ed and wor~ is not co:npl~ted a!'> <br />rsqu ired. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />The Rosevilie Pla;1ning CO!:\J-,;.issian, en d :;-0 vote, recommends <br />that the r"qu~5t for rec;:,r:si.ierati(":". of t.r.e co~d i tic-ns be <br />denied anci that Ros€ville Propert.ie5 be req-.1lreC to provide <br />proof that they have ot-ta i ;oed s i 1!1~d con tt'o(:ts ~c' COEipl et~ <br />the ~ork as required within two wee~- of Council action and <br />