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<br />- -------~~-- <br /> <br />that the wo~k b~ completed within 90 days of council action. <br /> <br />Alternatives: <br /> <br />1. Approve the requested reconsideration based on fi!".ding that <br />the propos3-l wOiAld be corsistent with the City's zoning <br />ordinance a~d not be detrimer.tal to ~~e g~neral healtt" <br />public safety, and \ielfare of the cotuD.:.mity. <br /> <br />2. Deny the proposal based Dn the fact L~at the proposal is not <br />consistent wiL~ t:.e city's zoning ordinance, previous <br />approvals and;ts, and ti1at the pi:'oposal would be <br />detrimental to the genezal healL~, public safety, and welfare <br />of 'the community. <br /> <br />?oli=v Obip.ctive: <br /> <br />1. To insure L~at development occurs consistent with ~~e City's <br />zoning ordinance and conditions of City app~cval. <br /> <br />Staff Recommenjation: <br /> <br />1. It is =eccmmended that the City council deny Mark Rancone'~ <br />request for ~econsideraticn of conditions on Council approval <br />of rezoning, special use penuitr and variance at 1955 W. <br />Countv Road B-2. It is furt.~er reco1!lDended that the Ci tv <br />Councll require Roseville Properties In.::. to provide evidence <br />of siQned contracts to comolete the work within two W~~S of <br />Council action and that the work b'! cOi!lpleted within 90 days <br />of the Council a~tion. <br /> <br />Council ActiDn ReQUested: <br /> <br />}. Motion to deny Mark Rancon!a's request for =:-econsicierat';on of <br />conditions on Cc~ncil approval of rezoning, special use <br />permit, ao~ variance at 1955 W. County Road B-2. <br /> <br />2. M~t~,on to req-uire Roseville PropE:rties Inc. to provide City <br />staff with evidence that they have signed contr~cts for <br />co~pletivn of the wark within two weeks uf Council action and <br />that the work be cC~Dle~e~ within 90 davs of Council action. <br /> <br />