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<br />~ <br /> <br />BRA Pal'tners, Case No. 20S6 <br /> <br />Page - <br /> <br />~c.!:-eening <br /> <br />T~ app!lcanf..s note in the::- delleioj)'ne,)t summarJ that :.h2n~ \/Itl:i bE no <br />rooftop e~i..rncr.t on the strOlCture, and lhus, there is '"10 question of <br />$C.eeniog such equipmer;t. <br /> <br />Ordinarily there would be a require.-nent for ~ 10-fo_: ior'l4scape buHer <br />strip bet~n a ~sine$S parking are~ and a conti~ r~derce. <br />Ho~~r, in 1(11$ CaR: the residence :n quest.or. idlrectly to the ~th of <br />the PNJpeTt)'; ~:i zone~ ~ and is owned by the applicants. ThDogh <br />$Otne landscaplrllj !T\ight be added i.:-s Hus area, it ';NQUkt ~ <br />unnecessar~ tD pro....ide the nof1naI pf'DIKtive :.creening ~ffordeci . <br />COW\tlgoGUS f'f'sidef\tia I bod owner. <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />~_ Handil:s <br /> <br />One ot the things that is different from the urigil\ill p~l -is thet <br />the apphJ:'ants propose to put the trash !1andli:"IIQ e~npmefll il'15ide the <br />building. T.....5 concept was di$cusaed wilh the ilPPiicants severat n'IOnthI. <br />ago aocI is so indicated in their plans and te't. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-';~ <br /> <br />~'~rins Consicier~ <br /> <br />.;:: <br /> <br />A s:dewaJk. :t-~gh not indicated 00 their plans, is requi('ecj on f"uIhwn <br />Street from the aouth property line to ,he north ptQperty line of tile <br />land to be developed. Thia could ::.e attached a$ a condition to <br />app.-oval. <br /> <br />~J <br />~:~ <br /> <br />The ~tKhed engineffing report notes some c:oncoor.... ntgII:-ding tbe <br />cappmg of e.tsting sewers (to the hou8e$}. There we~ also ~.. <br />e'f:'r8Sed reg...-ding the prewention of siltation. the Impact of sedimc:ttt <br />on the ~ and grading sJapes. Sl.)f1eS should be m.,ntain.d at 3:1 A <br />~ss and appropriate fYW:asuI"eS for erosion can be t"E'4fiewe-d at the time <br />uf e:lC}ineerirllQ department consideration p.-ior to pelmttS. ThIMr.)h it <br />m.y bf' awhile to d,,,-"'USS ete-'nents of the~ e~neering ~..... it <br />would appear t~t the $O!utioo could be accommodat~d s.ul)ject to final <br />Staf' revle,*. <br /> <br />~ <br />:,; <br />'~ <br />:J <br />'1 <br />- -~i <br />'" <br />.' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~~i:':l__r;~mt~!.~ <br /> <br />To uvr io;nowled~ t'"-ere ~~ars ~o be no pr:Jblem .Ith respect to <br />C(.':'~lIance with bui!d.,"9 code arw-J!'!,)r ZlJOIng requlre~nt:s. We adYiled <br />the dooilrar.t ~(' :To....r with ttwo- ~i,,~ ,...."..o:...'"!! ........ ...... ~.~:!~~.; <br />~;nrtloent prl\Jr to sutJ.'T1lninq the sit!' pian for aWt~"'al. There are <br />110 cC..."'1Ce'r..s with tC'~('t fro the:se IJepartnwnts. <br /> <br />4. ,--::~.)Nl:Ll.l~:;Ji\I <br /> <br />--..-...--..---- <br /> <br />It .....{1,w:' :irp~al' ihat the tJeyelr'~l'7)e~t, ....t.h the ~,.,cepi.lOn 0: same <br />l1f>lal:S, Ii In ~}aslC' CCf.!o..,n.nCE Wlt~ the r~qu'r~'T\er.ts and Intent of the <br />C ,~r.l.::re~en~~\'~ Pian and ZQnlng. T~ :aew sttuct<JN!' w~H h(> ('."),\.o;lructed <br />"I :';o;C';.; t:Jr:at('~ U'" f>'15t"'~ ~l1.bji~1.: :>truclutp.. T~ ..C'quu;hon of <br />nt'';,' ~.uIiS-'"S alld t~~ r~~r.o\-al c: tWI> of the:-n for the pur~)se af t!'als <br />"'iM:\slnn IS,: i..rcpm;; .!t~ t;'e C1t;:'s de\l!!lop:ncnt cor.cept for tNs <br /> <br />::0 ii : " . ..' '. .i. + .. <10 . <br />. 4 .. G> I \. ~ . <br />