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<br />Dayton-Hudson Corporation, Cas& No. lOSS <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />requesting th.t the City grant a varianc~ so as to I(e~p the curb line <br />Joclitec wn.ere it as. This resuits in a setback of aiJprox.I,oately 7 f~t <br />versus the 15-foot required. <br /> <br />2. DEVELOPMENT SUMMAR Y <br /> <br /> <br />Area of Expanded New Tenant Bldg <br />Penney's: <br />C..rsor.'5: <br />Warcrs: <br />New Dayton's: <br />TOT AL AREA: <br /> <br />39,700 Sq. Ft. <br />164,772 Sq. Ft. <br />169,313 Sq.. Ft. <br />1119,906 Sq. Ft. <br />2S7,194 Sq.. Ft. <br />1~n6,885 Sq. Ft. <br /> <br />Tot31 Parking Capacity: <br />Parking Ratio: <br /> <br />~157 CaN <br />S.41 Cars Per 1,000 Sq.. f"t. <br /> <br />J. DEVELCPMENT ANAl. VSIS <br />- <br /> <br />~~~ C~derati~ <br /> <br />A 'View of the site wHZ confirm that lhe existing curbinq in thU are", <br />~f the ~ing area if' ~ion was somehow originaJly =onstnIc:ted wit!. <br />ao ~It curb, wh _-fa is currently Jal'gely detet'im-ated. Ttaas i. the <br />only CUf~ In the e..ore shoppin; area comple~ t.hat appe8" to be <br />'OOStructed in asphelt, though we 00 not know ....,.. T~ it is not . <br />question of retailing tt, ': existing curb, but one of retaining the existin:; <br />dimet\SiGO$ of the par~i ~ area 80 as to reJNikl the curb HI ita current <br />Iocilbol'. <br /> <br />-."1:, <br /> <br />In this area, there ere eight deciduous trees,. some of which ..... up to <br />a to 20 inches in diamehr. There are also two 8-ind, cuniferoua tree.. <br />It would be helpful if some of these trees could be saved Oi' mo.... <br />Attached is Ii COP)' of ~r-ee sketches indicating the &and8c. p.1JP088L <br />It is pr-upoaed to replace the eJ:iating ~ ;..foot. strip with En s..foot <br />plantih"J 8:-ea that 0 drywaU l-etaioing wall that vwies up to , <br />feet in height. You wiU foOt.e :Jf'I tt.e *etch thaI sho'NS the front of . <br />~ar U it. rei.tes to the pl"Of)Uted strap, that if the cv gDU <br /> untiJ the. wheels hit the ccnc:-ete cu.-b, t.he bumper will strike <br />the tree ind;cateJ on the We notf! this :)nlY with the <br />suggestion that if the proposed 7-foot landscape strip could be ...idenn <br />even 2 feet, the planting program as proposej may hkely be mol'e <br />successful. ThIS would aiSO make a slightly wider st:'lp for the piling <br />or snuw "i~ :.~;c~> :-'!~t!C'" thf> potent.ia! damage t;) the plant lpeCies. <br />As tQng lIS the bumpers can ovort\ang t.he curb, it 11 du-."ti...i ib..:. ... <br />additiONll 2 fr-et of planting area here would adversely effect the <br />parking. <br /> <br />;; <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />,.,--' <br />,.: <br /> <br />You will notice on the layout of the plan, that it is inte/1dl!d (0 ret.ain <br />the e1Cisting tetain.iog waU where it is constructed gener.H)1 on . <br />45-degree di.gooaJ with F'airview A.\:enue \'at the far southwest. cornet of <br />the site:'. This tet.ininq waU is constructed of wood timbets~ The new <br />rp.taimng wall is propo$ed to be "keystone 4.inch mim unit rock. 'ace <br />gray". Se\'eral 1~PfS ago tM City constructed a sim~lat retaining ..11 <br />~n ~~. c;t~r side of Falr,,:ew A-.enue at the northwf'st corner nf <br />Hi(\hwa~' ~b and r aiivielo1. "'venue. We hawe suq9Csted tt'.at any new <br /> on t~ O.ytol"s si<re of the intersection might bP. ~de to metc:h <br />,. 31 which the City has huilt. <br />