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<br /> <br />Ros<" CorpOfdtion, Case No. 2(]('3 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />3. OEVE.!::Q?I-1ENT -\~J!\L YSIS <br /> <br />Zonin9 <br /> <br />The I:lno is zoned 3-1 within w!Hch <J furniture store of ovp.r 40,000 <br />sqllarc feet is a special ,",se. This usp was added to the Z:ming <br />Ordinance shol"t!} after Roseaale was built when the Dajton-Hudson <br />Company purchased the thpn exist!ng buildong at the southwe~t .;orner of <br />HamLne and Trunk HighlOi8j 36. Dayton-Hudson proposed to establish <br />"Dayton's CO'1tract Divisio:l", which is in\"Ol\icd in se;jing residential I:trtd <br />office furniture and planning and furnishing office suites. That <br />structure happened to be 40,000 square feet, therefore, in the process <br />of amending the Ordinance to allow that use, it was established that <br />40,000 square feet would be the minimum size store. <br /> <br />Though selling furniture is a retail use, it is recognized in the industry <br />as a very low intensity retail use. nus is due to there being m'1ildy <br />high ticket sales and very low customer trlittic volume. That la:\<! <br />where the Dayton's store is locotE'c! is zoned B-1 85 is all r.f the land <br />in that imm~dii'lte area that :)rigmall}' part of t~ "Zimmerman <br />Office Park".J\t that tirr.e, multi-famil)' !'lousing was al!;o a special use <br />in the B-1 Di!'trict and there i:; a $ubstar-tial amount of multi-family <br />housing in that area :ili!! cwned and oJperated by the Zimmerman <br />I"terests (f\!omberq famB}'... <br /> <br />No rezoning is proposed here, bu~ a Special Use Permit for app.ovai of <br />this furniture st:::r!:: :::pcr~~i:::~ :$ ;Jr:::pc~::! ::!":~ an amendment to allow a <br />furnit'Jre store of appro,<;mately 14,00C square feet rather than the <br />40,000 sqllare-foot Ii .f1lmUm currently in thf! Orc!inanc-e. We suggest <br />~hat the fur'1iture sture of the type pro;>tosed here will have very low <br />customer traffic volume. It IS probabl:r aiso true that a <br />14,OOO-square-foot store n1ay well have less traffic volume than a <br />40,OnO-square-foot store. <br /> <br />We un<1erstand that the applica!'lts have had 'iI meeting with t.~ local <br />neighbors and that the concept of utilizing the lal1l1 fo; a furniture <br />store was well receillc1. The neighbors sc~m interested io hailing the <br />land maintained :tW() unsuccessful ope.etions halle ceased) and it ma}' De <br />a question of an appropriate low mtenslty use. The other option for <br />t~ u~ of this bulldmg would be for ciflces, though that would jilo:ely' <br />create morE- t,,,fiIC at peaK n;)III"S w~"~,, the traffjc lI'ten!.ity is the <br />greatest. <br /> <br />Trash Hal':.-!.i.!~ <br /> <br />We discussed the ~lty'S concerns ab!Jut thE: handling of --:Jsters. The <br />applicant~ note that they propose no O""1pster on thL ,'j('t at all. <br />They do propose ~o St3(,!' their cardboar.; and pack r..aterla, .side the <br />building. Vi !1a\e noted the in;!-1o~taf1rc '1f putting dumpster <br />facility inside, with an exterior a~cess lioor fur t!-e purpose of removal. <br />The Planning l.~Q",I111S~lon and t: It) l,('(;IIL' I; should concur with the <br />de\ielopers that t"!'rl' \'011:1 not b!' ao;> tra:;h ,iIJ!11;Jsters un the exterior of <br /> <br />! I_:r" 5: 7'" ;.~! .. -. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.~::'i~it:t..,;- is ;';~f':1~ !! !:h.:;!j ~..... insidp,. <br />