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<br /> <br />, . <br /> <br /> <br />" ,:1~ling Cor.cnission =.ti!1utes <br /> <br />':"jt-.~t: ~, <br /> <br />1\1" ......i <br />: ) <br /> <br /> <br />_ ,e;}~det asked Khat the right-of-"ay si t;lation 15 on Larp~ntet:.r. <br /> <br />-. Dahlgr~n indi.:ated he had nothecked for right-of-,-,ay needs on l.:irpenteur. <br /> <br />",'~;sler suggested the Connissi.m should continue its action Wltil the <br />. ., i i ..:ant is present. <br /> <br />',' ::YCII!endat ion <br /> <br />:'i.:ssler !lOved ~d :4oeller seconded that the Planning COIIIIIission continue <br />,~~la"" Ce.-etel"Y's req~:.- for pre1isiaary pht at 803 Larpenteul" to the <br />,i~' regular meeting of the CO:mUssion. <br /> <br />,11 CaU, Ayes: LteBenedet. BerTy, Dressler. Moeller. MatS"'!I, and Wiski. <br />. \'S : ~one . <br /> <br />~~ -'1ning File 1498 - Sho~~~ood Corporaticm reqcest for aaendaent to the cu.preheasive <br />land use plan froD mediua censit). residential to high deasi1:1 <br />rrs~dential at 2231 Rice. <br /> <br />f!:_'sentation <br /> <br />". i1ahlgren ihdicatr:d the applkant ~\as cosbined t\,'O pieces of property DCI <br />tf"J[>oses a IJl-unit :.partmcnt project. The proposed nUllber of units requires an <br />.....nd!lent to :he c<.JaPrehensiV(> land use plan to high density residential. <br /> <br />Da;)l ~ren indicat(;d se\"cral neighbors have e).l'rt"sst;.>d C01h,-ern 3bout tne use of an <br />eA~...lItCnt to the west for access onto }.Iarion Street. lie lndicated 3 <br />h4:;. beer. p:ropo5ed for the de\'elopw.en't which rc~\'es the need :0 use tl1e eaSeMnt <br />~ e~rgency vehicle acce~~. <br /> <br />b: -,':U55 ion <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />J <br />. <br />I <br /> <br />~~~ssler indicated she was concernea 3bQl~ the tr3ff.~ t~ be s~nerat~d on <br />J.;:c Street by the (i<~\-elopmel1t. She ask~d "l1et~leT th~ ')t"ite C'L\'Jld jo <br />S ,-,cthing t('l en~ble Rice St!"eet to hette::" han.llE" the traffi.:. <br /> <br />~-,d~ren inJi.:ateti tht> State 1 S rC5ponsi vI" fOT rrodJir.~ i(. r tilc handl in& of <br />+',;:fic un Rice Street. <br /> <br />~_L":""'" .1~1\':u ~~-..:~~ .'v...... ..1..... ~~;..:-...'~.....~~:!:.;.~.~ t,i ,hr"t...,....wr.n{~ ~~,');"ft()rati~..,. .about <br />.... ,~ .~h~\'3ti(\n of tht" house~ on !hnncsota '"CT5U$ the proposed h',Ji!Jin~. <br /> <br />..~. flow iilJi.:ateJ the P;,(\po!'c.l hlii:.lin~s ;Ire hclo..- th(' ~lC\'3tiol. nf ~-!i"':1esotCl <br />s. ;'c-~t . <br />