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<br />I <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />. ,~~~ng Co~is~ion ~tinutes <br /> <br /> <br />1oJ1,.....i a$keJ. !.tr. I!o"e _hether i.. ..ouid be p:>ssible t::, :-' dre ti.-"' Country <br />~ : ::1cn' s access. <br /> <br />..,-. :!/)we :.ndicated he )WOuld ched, hut ;\(" felt it .as not possible.. <br /> <br />W. II:!hl~ren indH:ated the roa d.-a !' easeCient to the west is 3. private easewmt <br />o.,~ a condi tiO~1 pla..:ed on a future PUD could be the "acat i~n of the e~seaent. <br /> <br />__~5on indicated the C~\ssion should reme.ber the danger of getting a <br />cJ, :-:erent proposal a..'IDCJ1ding the land use plan to high d.o;nsity. <br /> <br />~ <br />~A <br /> <br />.'~ <br />,~ <br /> <br />*,-'iler indicated he shares Matson's concern, but? proposed de,,'elopme..,t <br />\Jf,jlJ have to come bad. to the CO!IIIIission for POO approval. <br /> <br />:.:: <br />. -~ <br />'. <br /> <br />..~ <br /> <br />DIh!~ren indi~d~ed cities so.etimes place In the record a policy state.ent <br />.. 'lNing the type of developaaent envisior.ed in ;'!In aaendlRent to the 13nd use <br />p,.:l. <br /> <br />~~ <br />'~ <br />.~ <br />-~j <br />~J <br />~:.. <br />~. <br /> <br />fat ~::uII~nda t ion <br /> <br />'. <br />:J <br />~ <br />1 <br />.~ <br />.~ <br />"d <br /> <br />"-~son !lOved and Berry seconded tbat the Planning C~ssioo rec~nd approval <br />* ..,horewoa<! Corporatioo's L-equest fOT allendaent to the C01IIprehensh-e l"Zld use <br />pi :j1 froll 1IediUII density residenti3.1 to high densit)- residential .at 1.231 Rice9 <br />..~ that include~ :n the recomDeRdation are the two policy statements: <br /> <br />" ;'!1e devei~t should rwe its pr1.nd!'le access at Rite Street. <br /> <br />2) "he-number of units should be IJaited to 61. <br /> <br />(l'i~ C~l1. :\)~s: DeBenedet, Ber!"}", Dressler, ~btsvr:. t-bel1er. and "ish. <br />.a ,\'-;' ""'~e <br />. . ... .''''''1.. <br /> <br /> <br />_~.;;1ning Fill" 149~ - TilllOthy ~dd~n requcst for Te:o.onii1~ frot'! R-l to It-2 at <br />162 Minnesota. <br /> <br />""~'nt at ion <br /> <br />':'. ~lhl!o:ren inJi~ated the appli.:-ant rroroses to ~on\"(..~.t ::!. si:if.;l{'-f~r.Lily split <br />'~:-"\" I\Oi1K" into an up/.lown ..!uplcx. rnis reliuirc:~ :1 rc:oninr.. from R-l to R-.:!. <br /> <br />\<X'nisKc-ttcr. attorney for the :Ipp1 i.:;mt, inJicatl"d the hoT:!(" is. tOI) large <br />Sln~lt.'!-fa;;Lily rental ase ! its current lISt....!. <br /> <br />,':i,! JI;'".." inJicatcJ the t.'xining Jri\'~\."JY is "ot pil\'cd :mli that the l'!1i <br />\-.lnt to ir.cluJc t;~(' p:..\'in~ :i:,1 ,-t)nJiti..m tl' the' :lppTCCIL <br /> <br />~'o(,!li~k:.'tt('r ir;,ii~.:\tt'..j hI.:' ,..)~IlJ n.1t ,~~:;(,l' tl\ tJH.' l',11IuLlH'I!' ",.:i'out l-onsultin~ <br />: ~ ': ~ir. ~.laJJ{';". <br />