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<br />r <br />- 1f <br />'3 <br />. <br />~ <br />~ <br />.:i <br />~ <br />~ i <br />i <br />~ <br />.:.. <br />~ <br />, <br />a <br />". <br />, <br />- <br />~- <br />'P <br />-:.f. <br />.,- <br />~.. <br />;:: <br />,.., <br />,~ <br />'W'" <br />~ <br /> <br />ell1 OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regu tar !-1eet i:a,g of t:1~ Ci ty Counei 1 - .J une 11. B84. <br /> <br />The City C~\D1cil met ,)n the a>o"oe d3~e Ioiith the folloto'i ;g <br />members p!"esent: CL<rle)', Franke. K.ehr, Johnson, ue1DOS. <br />Members absent: Sune. <br /> <br />":';30 P.M_ <br /> <br /> <br />,.-1 ~ehr ~k)V~d. Franke Seconded. that the :nnutes of the regular 14ImrrES <br />meeting of liay 21. 1984, be a~proved. Roll call, '\yes: Curley, <br />FraJUe. Kehr. Juhnson. and ~P!Os. .1Ii3Ys: None. <br /> <br />;)-1 Johnson Moved. Curley Seconded, that "illiam J.JQes' request <br />for rezoning fT01ll R-I to R..': and special use re11llit fer <br />PUn at 2551 Lexington be referrec back to the July Meeting <br />of the Planning C~ssion. Roll call, A)~s; Curley, <br />Franke, Kehr. Johnson, and Deacs. ~}"s: S1J!1e. <br /> <br />-;-2 Curley Moved, Johnson Seconded. that Sho!"t'wood Corporuion's <br />request fer aaend:lent to t~e Coaprehensiv~ Land Use Plan <br />f~ Jledi... density residential to hig~l jensi ty res~dential <br />at 2231 Rice be approved. P.cll Call, Aves: Curley. Franke. <br />1.r. Johnson. and ~. :iays : ~one . <br /> <br />,)..3 [ehr Mcn,.ed7 Curley :ecooded, that $aha Enterprises, InC.'$ <br />req'Jest for special use pemit for ~ite plan approval, <br />divisi~ of lot. and variance to allow canstructian of <br />a drive contiguous to the south $id~ property li:ae at <br />2760 Snelling Frontage Road Ea~t. ~ approved with the <br />- following conditions: <br /> <br />1) That a grading plan be submitted for appN\'ai by staff. <br />2) T: ,t final utilities and engineering be appro,..ed ~y <br />st~ff . <br />3J That t.he applicant pTovid~ evidence of the driveway <br />~d s~~r easements. <br />~) 'l11at the prQject be develored in a..:cordan'e "ith plan:> <br />Jated S/~/$4. <br />5) That the leanl:sc:1ping plans Oe apprc.\"ed by staff. <br /> <br />Roll Cal1..\\'e>: Curley, FTan~e, t;ehr. Johnson, and <br />De... s. \ays : ,\one. <br /> <br />;'i-..a <br /> <br />~chr ~iov"d, .Johnsoo S\.'.:or.a",'J. :hat ~;\~3 ETltet;'riscs. I:1~. 's, <br />Jba Stuart '\...dCT~on' 5 (au 1(" Comp:t.,;y Restaurant, reql:est <br />for Do-sale ;md speci:ll Sun..:ay " i.wor 1 icen~~$. at ~-:-60 <br />Sm," I 1 ir.~ Fr(\!lt:l~-:- Ih-.;;.J East !'\(" .!'.:-r~,,\'C'd ",ittl the .::vndi t ion <br />that the' I'l'qui r.'d il'ls;~r:rnc(' ,~rt i heat€' he rrm-ilieJ prior <br />:-Q ~~stlill; th(' 1~.:("""C". Roll (;111. ,\yt's: rur~('!>-. i-'rankc. <br />"",hr. .!olmson. anJ nCnJ(lS. \.l~'S: \ont:'. <br /> <br /> <br />I' <br /> <br />" ' <br /> <br />J~, wtUL\II <br /> <br />SIDEM)OO <br />CORPOIATltIi <br /> <br /> <br />SAGA EM1'atPIUSa..':" <br />IN( . " <br /> <br />.,- <br /> <br />.~ .. <br /> <br />, < <br />~ . <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />1 <br />j <br />! <br /> <br />$:\G.~ E.'iERPRlSE.S. <br />lSC. <br />