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<br />.. <br /> <br />PLAmiING REPORT <br /> <br />DATE : <br /> <br />1 August 1984 <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: <br /> <br />1526-84 <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />Shorewood Corporation <br /> <br />LOCATION: <br /> <br />Northwest Corner of Highway 3b and <br />Rice Street <br /> <br />Ac:rtON REQUES'i'ED: <br /> <br />Rezoning from R-l and R-6 to R-,3A <br />Special Use Permit fOT Structure <br />Greater than 24 Units <br /> <br />PI.ABNIftG CtmSlDRRATIOh'S: <br /> <br />1. The member" ')f tbe Phuning Commission and ~ouncil are familiar with this <br />proposal ha\YLng previously acted to &nend the Comprebensive Plan to <br />indicat~ thi~ site as a high density residential land use ratber than the <br />medium der.4ity prE!Viously indicaL.!d On the Comprehens:ve Pll'1'1. The <br />appl ;..:ant is now back with revised site plans, a request to rez<ne . the <br />ldnd, and an appli~ation f~r B special use permit for a 61 unit building. <br /> <br />2. Tbe R-3A Zone limits structures to a maximum of 24 units, but allows <br />structures with a greater number of units (in 8 single buildiug) by <br />special use permit. The intent of the Ordinance is not ue-;easarily to <br />lUnit the number of units, ~ut to allo~ the City to review such proposals <br />by the special use permit proceRS. This process also applies if <br />structures are built higher th~n three stories. In this case, the heia~ <br />is not in question inasmuch as t~e building does not exceed three stories <br />~n height. <br /> <br />The R-34 District requires 1,700 square feet of land for each one bedroom <br />unit and 2,500 square feet for each tw~ bedroom UQit. There are 20 oue <br />bedroom units and 41 two bedroom units requiring 136,500 square feet of <br />h.nd. The property 's 3.6 acres which eql.1als 156,815 square feet, tbus <br />leaving an overage Ot 20,316 fE"et. ~n othH words, theoret :o&l1y, mote <br />units could have been proposed on the site. <br /> <br /> <br />3. Ahe site has difficult terrain, ~nd access will ~e via an eQspment over <br />the existing driv~way serving t~e Country KitcL~n site. r~is was <br />established when the County Kitchen fadiity 10;'1 1 ori~inally c:onnructed. <br />Tbe intent, here, is to confine aCce2'S to the County Kitchen sit:\i!, the <br />apartment site, and the 5~~i office bui\din~ site et the southeast c~rner <br />of this parcel to a single driveway. '~e share the o:>>inion of the <br />engineering staff that this ?rovides the ~est aCceSS tQ Ri~e Street. This <br />is one of the reasonl:l why ",e wer.:! so anxiou'i to have these two parcels <br />combined into a single development which i~ being a~hieved in this <br />proposal. <br /> <br />~. Attached are copies ot the site plan prepared by th~ QPplicants archit~ct. <br />You will notice thdt there are two driveways goinl! dv'ffi the :.i11 to ti:e <br />cul-de-sac near tJ.,e -:enter of the si te. One driveway 1,ead~ ~ire(;tly to <br />