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<br />CASE NL'MBER: <br />APPLlCAN"': ' <br /> <br />1526-&4 <br />Sh~rewood Corporation <br /> <br />Page ~ <br /> <br />the ,a=age e~d is proposed at the ~Unue Len percent gr3~e. A study of <br />the proposed and existing contours suggests to U3 that it ,",ouid be- far <br />more appropriate to have a single driveway g..,ing down the hill and to <br />enter the garage in some revised fashion off the >:ul-de-sac which is <br />establisbed at the garage level. This will five us a treater di-~aDce to <br />come down Lbe hill and substantially reduce th' ten percent grade <br />involv~d. A m.i.1or rearrange.sent of the parking area east of the <br />cul-de-sac vill make ttis a w',rkable solution. We have discussed this <br />with th~ arcbitect who agrees that this obj~ctive should be p~rsued. <br /> <br /> <br />5. Th,,: apartllk'nt pr.:>posal and the office building development near Ricp. <br />Street conforms wit:", all 2:ooio8- and standards. The applicants <br />ha~e not applied for ~ preliminary plat at th13 ~ime. Addition41 ana17sis <br />of storm drainage and utility fac:1ities will be in .::=der as a part of <br />tbat preliminary plat proc(;ss. On.} of toe objectives of ~he plan vas to <br />keep the building low so I'll to now :iI;.pede ". view of single family <br />residences fronting on the south side of Minnesota Avenue. One of th. <br />bomes t~us affectEd is a new home with & south facing de~k at en elevati~ <br />01 ~o'l.O (as indicated by tbe architect). Tbe Mchiter.t indicates that <br />the peak ~f the pitched roof will be at 967.1). ile under~tan.1 that the <br />-"pplicant (Mr. Gordie H(Me) has diS':,Jssed this relationship with the owner <br />of thi... bmDe. We understand that the appli..:ant has also reviewed these <br />plus .-i!'.h other b~owners south of Kinnesota Avenue. <br /> <br />6. Perhaps one of the gooll things ahout the proposal that uy be')f:,fit <br />single family hoae<NUers Oil. Minnesota Avenue is ~he fact ~at thJ.s <br />structure will funccion as a sound bDrrier to the traffi= on Trunk Bi&b-~1 <br />36. The build~rg will t~ totaily air conditioned, and thus the impact of <br />the sound f!"oDII Trunk R1bbwsy )6 should not l..tve serious deleterku8 <br />eff~cts on tbe units wit~in the structure. The bU11ding you wil~ <br />notice is placed on the northerly balf of the site so as to ~~~e the <br />distan~e to the trav211ed ,o~tio~ of the ~oadway. <br /> <br />7. The applic~~t indicates to uS tnat tbe owners of the s~Dgle familv <br />residence to the ~st of the site ar~ concerned ab3ut an easement fo"'r <br />access which extends to Hari~n Stree~. If sucb a driveway would b~ hu~lt, <br />it would have co~sid~rable impact on ewe ot the re$id~~ce9 on either aide <br />of the eas< '!!nt9__ We bave reviewed tbf' aC'.~S3 plan to the site with t~~~ <br />City. s Fire ~1arsnall vbc agrees that the acce.u will be aJE'quate for <br />emergency vehicle! purp"'~.!$ inasm;.:.~h as tbt:y are providing a 100 ioct <br />diameter cul-de-s3c, south of the structure. Under these conditions, tnp. <br />Fire Marshail indicates tbat a sec~nd~ry access to the west will not be <br />reG.uir~d. '!'hu!;, WE' endorse the closing "f thi!'! aecf'Ss. and ~liminating <br />the potential adverse impact on th~$e ex:~ti"g sir~le family resiJence$. <br /> <br />8. Attached is a copy <.f C01llU1;'nL. re~eiv~d- :'T"OOI thp engineeriug deparL__.1t <br />regarding this development. We ~uggest th..t any posi'-;','e action taker. on <br />this proposal should include ~nat list of solvah'~ concerns as ~onditions <br />to t Ie special ase pemit. . <br />