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<br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />ME.t.t:J <br /> <br />rRUM: <br /> <br />Dilvid D=v""" ;"SSiSt.3!':.t. ci ty ::r,~Lleer <br /> <br />Ph~ninsz!ile No. 15::6 <br /> <br />PTopos~d Ap~-~m~~t Co~lex and Subdivision afr <br />~~~L St. fenind Count=y ~itcr.~n. <br /> <br />(1) DYoposal provides for ~1e c~'ation ~f t~~ee new parcels. In accor- <br />danC! with the city ardin3nL~. this wi!l rc~uire a plat. The draw- <br />ings submi ~ted are a:ieq;.:ate for "'it)" plat purposes, but r.1.DAl <br />plat mus~ be prepared by a r~gi5tered l4'1d surveyor. <br /> <br /> <br />(2J Plal'Js call fc= relocation of a pllblic sanitary se"'er which ensu QD <br />the site. t.ogether with construction of w2.'termain across the 5it.e. In <br />eath I"25e, construction work BlUSt be done to city S1:Utdar.ts. desip.a4 <br />by a regist~re~ engineer, anC: inspecud by a aeseT uf cit:y staff.. IR ' <br />lieu ~f this, the developer aay petitio! the city to do utility ~ <br />as a pt6Hc project and assess tbe cost involved LO the project. <br /> <br />(3) Addit tvo-_l "..tility easemen'tS win ~e needed for the new public uti1ittef.~ <br />ar' ole. uti Hty easements \f:" 11 nepd to !>e vacated. <br /> <br />(4) Propose-a - trees in parti<:uh.r - will be ttep~ off U1:i1it)' <br />easemenU. <br /> <br />(S) Joint drive~ay and access ec~ements between all parcels will aeed to _~~ <br /> <br /> <br />(~j. Site pl..lD includes Ii '!1\.ng ac:tlylty on ')tate right.-of-way. Applicaat: <br />will have to secure ~pproval from ~e state to do this work. <br /> <br />cn Site plan calls fro [' 10\ driveway grac:!~s leadb,g up to the Count~ Ki~.. <br />chPfl entrance off R;.ce S~ ~ A lO~ ,-ade is 1II3.Xiuaum alItnlule, ad tf8 <br />~t:rongly $ugg~st tl.e si~e designer ''icrk to reduce these grades as 1I1Ut:3I <br />as possible. Pro, joing II. heahng elel1:~:;t .i.:. the driveway app1"08.Ch to <br />the undergt"ound garages coult' make Stef~p grade acceptable. <br /> <br />(8) Additional r- ght-of-way to 49.5 feet is required on"Rice Street. Be- <br />~~use.this is a plat. and tht rl~t will include the Country kitchen <br />site. dedic~tion alung that. p~Tcel is required. as ~ell. <br /> <br />(9) Sidewalk is required along Rice Street per the ordinance. but not acro~ <br />the J!ready developer. CountTy Kitchen p~rcel. 1 <br /> <br />(10) <br /> <br />Drainage plans are Inco~ictc. d~~ C~~ <br />erosion protection ",ill be i Jr.port a... . <br />to s t:lfi r~\'iew. - <br /> <br />to the sfe~ply sloping sit., <br />Drainage plans should be subj~~ <br /> <br />(11) If the develop~ent is appro.~~. it is the public ~orks recommendation <br />that the ;lCCCSS" easement 1 e;.(li1'l.:' west of the parcel to )larion Stree~ <br />to be \'ac.a ..~d. <br />