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<br /> <br />-:.: <br />~ <br /> <br />1'1 <br />, <br />-':! <br />_f <br />j <br />:.. <br />~ <br />i <br />~ <br />" <br /> <br />..~ <br /> <br />~ <br />, <br />. <br /> <br />... <br />. <br />'~anning Commission Mi'. _res <br /> <br />Or;\-. ~ I~~ <br />J , <br /> <br />... <br />::;.e J <br /> <br />.~ <br />.t <br />~ <br /> <br />.~ suggested that most of the tr;:,ffic ",ill be coming from the north. He alsc. <br />'~lt there would n~t be a major increase in traffic on Sandhurst from t~e west. <br />':!". Dahlgren suggested that an entran~~ from Ledngtor. near Sandhurst wuuld be <br />__mgerous fron:: a 'traffic standpoint. <br /> <br />'" <br />" <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />" <br />1 <br /> <br />~ <br />j <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />_'conrnendation <br /> <br />:'cssler woved. Matson seconded that the Planning COl!IIBission reco1lDer.d approval <br />~ Twin City Federal's request for ~pecial use permit and variances to parking <br />~tbacks at 2167 Lexington, with the condition that the projer~ be dCw~loped <br />.:: accordance with plans dated 9/5/84. <br /> <br />;~nning File J54S <br /> <br />Nazareth Building Association request for ~ezoning at <br />2551 Snelling. <br /> <br />, ! csentation <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />:~Kard Dahlgren inrl~cated the applicant proposes to rezone ~ portion of the <br />i.\i ect property from R-l to B-2 to allow the propHty to be used f,):" parking <br />",~r the Knights of Columbus Hall. Mr. Dahlgren indicated the re20ning application <br />-:clllaes a .iedication of lana ~o~, right-of~"ay for ~ impro\'ed intet"section at: <br />"('lUng Avenue. J.~. Lynch, representing the Knights of CoJumbus. indicated the <br />"~l ican~ would agree to dedicate th~ right-of-way in exchanRe for not being <br />~sessed for the actual roadway construction. ':~arles Honchell suggested the <br />:'011 icant 5hould petition the Ci ty fOT the road~ay. The method of financing the <br />Tlstl'UCi:ir~1n could then be worked out between the City and the applicmt~ Nr. <br />'nchell indicat~d that at least 20\ of the cost of the roadway must be assessed <br />',) henefiting property owners in order for the City to be ab1e to sell bonde; ~o <br />";T!3nCe the project. <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />,'commendation <br />----- <br /> <br />',)hn5on move~~ and Matson s~;;ondt'd that the Planning Comission recoJJBRend approval <br />;' \a~:irf:t.h Building As:sodation's request for rezoning from R-l to B-2 at 2551 <br />:;clling. with the recommendation that the applic.ant's proposal to dedicate <br />--!:~ht-of-way for the inter-section improvement be accepted by the Council. 3nd that <br />::',(: a~jplicarn, netition for the ro. dway imr:-ovement tdth the method of financing to <br />~ jeter~lned in the future. ~ <br /> <br />~l~ Call, Ayes: ~1C''''ller, Hatson, Berry, }ce.enedet, Dresslzr, .Johnson and h'iski. <br />, ,ys ~ ~one. <br /> <br />~;lOl1ing File 1546 - SI'o!'e\oiood Corrroratio;l request tor pn.>llj!1111<U'.' <br />at 2.2:1 Ric€'. <br /> <br />i'ldt <br /> <br />" ) <br />~..t'" <br /> <br />"..;;,.rian~c <br /> <br />:'...~s('ntat ion <br />- <br /> <br />!', Dahlgren inlHcl~c{. the Pl:lnning ~~ommission ,Inc Cou;1cil h"..-c' prc\'ioiJsly approved <br />]'c-:oning of the subject property to alIo",' the constrt;ction "f J. 61-unit ;1:':'d'tment <br />Ji Idmj' ,;nd .\ s1t1311 office hu~rding. TiH? ;rppl icant nr.... prnpo'l~s 10 pi;!t th~ <br />:'l)j\erty .into fOUl iots. rhe applicanl h;u ,:Iso rCCjucfted a \',~riancc to allow a <br /><'m.'TIon :1'':-Ct':O:;~ dri \'C'. <br /> <br />-A. <br />