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<br />~ <br /> <br />- ~ <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~; <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />.fp <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />:;; <br />'.~ <br />~ <br /> <br />i <br />~_:1ning COI:u:is:.,ion .lil1utes <br />'. 8 <br /> <br />~. Jahlgren indicated his only concern re!at~d to the preliminary plat is the <br />~: that two 0; the ~~~r propcsed !ot~ vi" ~e unbuildable. Gordie Howe, <br />m~resenting ShoT~~ood Corporation. inui,~ted the lot contiguous to the Coun~ry <br />~: .::-, ~ _, i'!"operty must. remain a separate lot cue to an agreement with ::tle Country <br />~:~hen that the l~t. be availublc t~ them for possible expansion of parking in the <br />fu:~Te. He also indic~ted the lot to the .es~ fronting on ~brion Street is to be <br />j~Jed to one 0f the contiguous property owners since it i; not neede~ for ac~ess <br />fO the si~e. ~r. Dahlgren suggested that b~th of these lots be note] 3S unbuildable <br />~s scpar3te lot~ un the plat. <br /> <br />c-o!1U1Hndat ion <br /> <br />,~ <br />" <br />'I <br /> <br />",bOr. .noved and Berry seCClTIded that. the Plann] '16 Commi ssion recommend approval of <br />5h~re~ood C0rporation's request for preliminary plat and variance at 2231 Rice Street, <br />Wl:~ the condition that a notation be pluc~d on th~ plat indicating t~at the two <br />~ill lo~s are ~~uildable as separate lots. <br /> <br />1 <br />~.-d <br />~~ <br />. <br /> <br />1,,: <br /> <br />~Ii ~all. Ay~s: ~mel'er, Hat son , Berry, DeBenedet. Dress)er, Johnson and Wiski. <br />~ -~: ~one. <br /> <br />-:. <br /> <br />:;mlng File 1 ~48 - Heal th Resoutce~ Assistance COl"puration request for preliainary <br />plat. rezoning and special use pennit at 2831 Snelling. <br /> <br />, "~C'r.tation <br /> <br />qrd Dahlgren indica.ted the applicant. proT'oses to ph.t the subject property into <br />'~~e lots to alJow thcm to purchase a portio:" of the property for use as a Health <br />"l' facility. The app1icant. has reluested a Ie-zoning from 1-1 to B-2 to a110w the <br />;i(al ~entcr use and a special use permit tQ allow a Dayc3rc use. <br /> <br />'':l~s5ion <br /> <br />:des Hcnchell indicated a side.,.-alk is required along the Snelling Frontage Road. <br />'.' ;cppli:allt indicatp.d the sidewalk requirement is acceptable. Mr. Honchell <br />"-ii:-tfC that alt, OU6h tot 3 is not n;rrently propose" for development, the platting <br />",:ess requires uti! ity service to be extended to this lot. Mr. Honchell suggested <br />'\'f!pl icant petition for the sewer extension to Lot S. The applicant indicated <br />'~ Io'as accept3.ble. Hr. lIonchel1 jndicated there W(,E' 50J'l'''' drajnage details to <br />,,,.rkeJ out, but th~y were not maj.,r concerns. ~1~. :1ahlg'ell indicated that I.ot 1 <br />, !;lndlocked p:lrce1, ~nd a~ s~Kh is ~nbuildable.i'he platting pr<,ces<: l.isuaHy <br />::,ires ;111 lOb to he ser-.:ed by a public street. Marie Shlwi..k, the property <br />"'~:-, ~:::!' ~,':)'.'i'~:,c! "! 1.-.ttP'" tf\ thf' (i t\. i ndi\~at ing Lot 1 will not be used for <br />t']opment ot a facility WhICh ""ouIJ rcqui.'c utilities or an access road. "'T. <br />'I;.:ren indi~:J.ted he is hopeful tInt 'frs. Slawik will :1t some point dedicate <br />.t property to the City to he o.:omhincG \.;ith the park Lmd to the "est. He <br />';estcd t~at. included 0:'\ the 1'1:1t, ~',houlJ be 3 notation that Lot 1 i.s an <br />'!i ~J;1hle par.:el. <br /> <br />. "':'2.::'r.'1{.n,bt ion <br /> <br />':nson mo\"(~d ;\nJ ~bt"on sl'c',~ndcd th,lt t~(' I'lanninf. Co:runi$$ion reccmmE'!lll 1pproval <br />, !i{',llth R('"ourccs "s~ist;J1l':(' ,'orpor;ltion'<; rC\.FI<.'st for prt'1imin~}.y plat. special <br />, !','mit :lnd T(':onin12, from I-i to H-~ .It ~8':;1 ~'lclling Kith the following <br />::.'itit>n,; <br /> <br />.... <br />