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<br /> <br />. 1 Hi:'tutes <br />October 8# 1984 <br />P"lg€ 2 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />q-b <br /> <br />Kehr mcved. Curl~y seconded that Shorewoc ! Corporation ~ request <br />fer preliminary plat and variance to par: ing setback to ollow a <br />shared access drive at 2231 Ric~ Street be aFPTO~ed. with the <br />cc~dition that 3 notation be placed on the plat indicating that <br />the two small lots are unbuil~ablc a5 sep3rate lot~; and establishing <br />the hearing on the final plat for Nove~ber 13. ~;G~. RL11 Call. Ayes: <br />Curley, Johnsc,n, Y.ehr, Fra.n~,...., and Demos. Na)"s: ~one. <br /> <br />B-7 <br /> <br />C.....rle;. -'~"ed, Keltr s~conded Health Resources Assistance <br />Corporat~on' S reques't for pL.:l';'._~....~.w p~at. specIal ltse per.nit <br />and rezoning from 1-2 to 8-2 at 283! Snelling b~ approved with <br />the following conditions: <br />1) That a sidewalk be constructed alon~ the Snelling <br />Frontagt; ~=-~. <br />2) That the applicant pet1ti...~ fr.r a sewer extensioi1 fnr <br />Lot 3. <br />3) That drainage plans be subject to s'taff review. <br />4) That final lan~scaping plans be subject to staff review. <br />5) That Lot 1 be noted as unbuildable 0.1 the plat. <br /> <br />anc establishing a hearing on the final plat f~r November 13, <br />1984. Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Johnson. Kehr, FrL~ke, and <br />DemJs. Nays: None. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Curley moved. Keh~ seconded that Ordinance No. 964, rezoning <br />t~e property at 2831 Snelling Avenue fTOm 1-2 to B-2 be adopted. <br />Roll L_l~, Ayes: Curley, Johnson, Kehr, Franke, an1 Demos. Nays: <br />Sone. <br /> <br />9-8 <br /> <br />Demos moved, Kehr seconded Lh~t Resolution No. 7658, gi.lng <br />p~liminary 2pproyal of an applic~!ion for Industri~l Revenue <br />Bonds for Ileal th Resources Assist:mce C~~<)ration be adopted. <br />Roll Cail, .\).e~: Cu't'ley, JQhnson, Kehr, Fral~~e. ;'Ind Demos. <br />Nays: ~.)ne. <br /> <br />R-Q <br /> <br />Demos moved, Keh~ seconded that Resolution ~o. 7659. giving <br />pT~limin3ry appTov~1 of ao application for lRB's for <br />.o\dvJnc€- Cir.:ui.ts. Inc, lit' adopted. R:)l~ C3J1, :\)'('$: Curley, <br />Johnson. Kehr, Fr:l!1ke. and Demos. :\a)'$; \one. <br /> <br />~m..'5 m~~\'ed, Kt'ln <br />final approv3. oi <br />Inc. he ad0ptt'd. <br /><\nd Dcm;.'$. \ays: <br /> <br />secondE'd that Rf'~olu!i(m '\T). -660, gning <br />a.n appl....\..d:. ~....ri f4.""~ :~Rt ~ f::-: :..d--...:,:~-:e' (~'!"~1.'". r c ~ <br />P.oll Call. Ave~: (.Jrh.y. ,J~ht1~on. Kenr, Frank...... <br />~one. <br /> <br />8-10 Curf~y 11IV\'CJ. t.:ehr seconded 'that .1uani:-:\ l;rayd~'n':, requp~t for <br />final plat Jot 2:5-i- l1i('stern ;,(" ~.())~tinll('J ~., the \O\-~I1)j,l'r l:~. 1984 <br />n.'>~\Il:\rC0undl ~11..-t>:1n~:. Ro1~ Call. :\y('s~ Curl~y. .1ohn50n, <br />~rhr, Fran~e, and D('mo~. \ays: \onc, <br /> <br />:;-1 <br /> <br />Curley ",ond, fr3.nKC scconJt.'J that the (i.ty ~';mag('r be :H.:thori:t'J <br />r" .;ut>!;Ilt .1 rr(1po~:d to !Iw M{'tn')p(~l itan (()un\-i.l to h"1(,:1re its <br />r(':~icnd ~r,'(>d"kat1n~ f:h"i!it\" In tlw Ut\. .;f R')~6'ijh'" Roli <br />(,II:. ,he": Cur}n'. ,],"1I1I1"I'J'I. f.-:'hr, FI':-.nkv. ;1lhi f1cr.'tI's. \;1\'S: <br />\\HW, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />SHOREWOOO <br />CQRPORATION <br /> <br /> <br />HEAL11I <br />RESOURCES <br />ASSISTANCE <br />CQRPORATIOI <br /> <br />ORDINANCE 964 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 7658 <br /> <br />RESOLUTIa-.i 7659 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 7660 <br /> <br />.JU.\.'HT.\ G~YDE!': <br /> <br />SPHDS~ATr~G <br />l'itoPO$AL <br />