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<br />- <br /> <br /> <br />,~-1 <br /> <br />:...1 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />:-2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CI7! C7 rOSZ~ILL~ <br /> <br />!\c-.::ula.r ::eet.i:l,; of :.r:e Cit;i Ccnlcil ... ::o\.e:'J.ber <br /> <br />'9~4. <br /> <br />q <br />'- , <br /> <br />Tbe City Cou=cil pet on the ~bove da~e hith thE followi~ <br />~oers present: J~~'son, ~ehr, Fr3r~e. Curley, and ~eDos. <br />~'~ers absent: ,.....N' <br /> <br />Kebr ooveQ, Fraru.e 3&conded "hat the !~ir.O)tes of tbe ::i!etin~ <br />of C-cto~er 22, 198Jt be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: ~ebr, <br />:ranke, Curley. and Deaos. 11aj's: :Ione. Abstai.IJed: <br />Jor.nso!.o, aecause iie was at-sent. <br /> <br />Curley JAOvt:<<!, Xehr secood~ that the hearing on <br />Eecovery Corporation' s rec;uest fot' an aGend;ent to the ~ning <br />oI"dinance tt' i1'1clude organic and lQOr~ic \l2.")tes as a st. .:131 <br />u:>e in the 1-2 distriot (;e continued 0;0 the Decimber 10, 19811 <br />CouDcil l:eetin;;. Holl Call, Ayes: JCbnaOD, Ketr, }<'ranke, <br />Curle] and DeI;Qs. Hays: ::One. <br /> <br />t:ehr noved, Franke seconded to propose Go. new :onill(; district <br />for oJ"i;aaic and ino~anic ~tes and :-efer to the Decenber 5 <br />Plann1n~ Co~1OD Hceti~~; and establisb a ~ublic tearing <br />for th2 De.::e:-.i)er '0, 19811 Counej . ~~eetin&. noll Call, Ayes: <br />Johnson, Ie-hr, Fra.m:e, Curley and Demos. nay:: H01'1e. <br /> <br />Kebr ncved, John$on secon~ed that storewod Corpctra!.~on' 3 <br />requ83t for plat 3' 22? I f.j ce Street ~e aprroved. <br />Joll Can, Ayes; Johrson, .:p.l1r, Fral'.ke, Curley and DetJ03. <br />!;a}'s: :-!ooe. <br /> <br />.;:,~U" iiOve<1, .Tohr.son aecoDded that. t.t.e i~'r:r City <br />::a.n~er be autbcri.eci to U,3Jl tb~ dOCw:ien; dis,~bcr<;;in..; <br />~be notice ~f Lis Pencens. iOJ~ Call, Aye~; J~hnson. <br />::ebr, Fr::..nk~, Curley, aoo Dewos. ~~ays: ~lone. <br /> <br />:-3 <br /> <br />Ct.;:"lf::~i o.:oved. Johl)son $ecClf.dcd that Eealth ~:e::oui"ces <br />Assi~tance Co~~rotion's request for fir~l ~~at ~t 28:1 <br />SnellinG te<i t.:>> ""e ~=o,'e~ber ~fi, , 951; CO\.lr:cil <br /> .1011 (;.;lll, Ayos: ';OC'130'}' ;:ehr, :raru~e. C..lrl.:.;; <br />~l1d ;).i!l.-CS. ::1l}' s.: :;..,r:e. <br /> <br />...... "1 <br />~-.. <br /> <br />F!":\Me ucved.. Kehr ser.ond.ed ~!'...~ t.he ..~ar1.n;!; <br />1'3X Incret::e.\t Financ.iu;; Plan i.>e .;:ootlnucd 'v <br />10, 19611 Cc.ur.cil :!~t1nt-;. Roll 2-;:;.1.:., Are3: <br />?r.n;:e, cur.:.,>)' ~d !\etaos. ~:aY3: ::on~. <br /> <br />to <i!::enc ......: <br />t:&e :;'cC3'd)t;r <br />Jor.n~on, :: .-;1:.r t <br /> <br />~-~~ <br /> <br />.; c>b01~on :,:oVt:d, :':cl'r ..;: cco.-:.d~... ::':.~ ':. ..h:c;.n1.T.;.! 0:-;:)'0 ec ':J rt"!q~c3t. <br />f(1i' li:1al i:~t t" cor.ti::-i!J~1.. t.o t.c.~ :';cC'~:;.t::er 10, 1:':}.'4 COJ.::1ci: <br />.~~~':'i~~." ::0!-1 '::.111" ~.irCS:'" Jo~~nscn, ~t:::lr. ~r"'rin~~. "'~rlQy. <br />,_.1: :;~-:o~. ~lS: :::):1(>. <br /> <br />":'~-'.... <br /> <br />~:~r.r:.:;on H,r":l"C, .\~1ir ~c.:or:c~c ~~:~-i'~ ..J C~,)unCl: ,.or....: .s~~~~lOr:. :..\~ <br />..:~t;.ol.~..3.t~cu ror :-.~c~:c.:~yll ~:~,v~r.b,-;r .:~. ::..~ ~:~0 ~..;.1.. :t ~~:...~ <br />:;.c:o.(:\ '::itj :::.:'l t.:J ,~.:....('U.:..,~ :..~-(:~;~ 1~~'1.1~t..a..:i-; to '--~~ii_ nor...::., <br />~~.~.Jl..&.~ ,:.....i'cty "I:C. ':"':'-lr;C: ~,: :\...\tl.l..:.~ ~--:(::~. .~v_j: ~~"...:. ~.J ~...-": <br /> <br />,T \~~.~...:.~:-:&, <br /> <br />. - <br />. -.:r" a r' ,.::......"'. <br /> <br />:':l1C. <br /> <br />.....~rl~'\.,; ~.hj ~......:O:..;. <br /> <br />.....a "oJ_ <br /> <br />7:30 ~.;J. <br /> <br /> <br />: a nU'r-;:5 <br /> <br />:,!ET1!OPOLITG <br />REC01D! <br />CORPOVTIOa <br /> <br /> <br />snOB~ <br />~t).tP(\3ATIO~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~LTB <br />~~SC;U~F.S <br />~SSlsr Am::. <br />COi:PO~ITIO~,; <br /> <br />-... -"."--'II""'~"'" <br />...~..... ..........v"._............ <br /> <br />:Ii:Al;Cli:C fLAi, <br /> <br />Jtj" :; ~T A <br /> <br />G:1'\iT:~~: <br /> <br />COU:;;,;'lL ::om~ <br />:;:-:SS: 01: <br />