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<br /> <br />\. <br /> <br />, <br />i <br /> <br />;.~ <br />.- -~." <br />'~ a <br /> <br />os evil Ie <br /> <br />-."tltHSO T.1 <br /> <br />2660 CIVIC C!NH!~ C;>;-,I= <br /> <br />-. E ~ ~ .~ ...= .~. : <br /> <br />.: 4 ~ ? .: -: ~ <br /> <br />Nove3ber 16. 1984 <br /> <br />M1' * Goraie Howe <br />Sho::oewooC CoTpOTat.ion <br />4633 Hodgson ~~d <br />Shoreview. 14N 5511:! <br /> <br />Dear Gordie: <br /> <br />The Roseville City Co~ncil~ at its ~ovember 13 meeting. approve<< <br />~:10:tewood Corporation IS request for final ptat at 2231 St.reet. <br /> <br />The ~'a,,'or has sigr.ef! the final plat mylars. They 31\. no~ ready for <br />t'e,:ordir.g. <br /> <br />I also w~nt ~o :""em.ind you that the special u.~e pen.i t for ! <br />ap:1rtment huilding wil1 expire six OOIlth.s f~.oa \he dat.e af approval <br />unl€,ss ~'ou n_ve ".btair~d a oui Iding ~~i t and begun c.onstruction.. <br />If you plan to wait unti) spring tQ b~in constru~~ion. IOU will <br />need lu request 311 extension of the specia! use peoit frMl the <br />Council. This simply ~quires a letter from you rt" the <br />extensio~. <br /> <br />If y~u hav~ any questions. please contact Qe. <br /> <br />Si n.:cre l~ <br />\ . <br />~1 )if/-;""'- '-- <br /> <br />}<.)n ;lbD'I'!'e <br />~lQinist~~tive Assi$t~nt <br /> <br />R.i~,t: !-I.: <br /> <br />13C <br /> <br />