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<br />, " ' " .' .", _ _ .' _ ,'- . . " ;. ' ' , 1 , <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />,~ <br />l <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />PLMnUNG REPORT <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />6 Ju1r 1985 <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: <br /> <br />1&6~ <br /> <br />APPLr CAIZT: <br /> <br />5rutger ccmpanies, Inc. <br /> <br />U>CATIOH: <br /> <br />Northwest Quadrant of <br />Highway 36 L~ Rice <br />Street (see sk@tch) <br /> <br />special Use Permit for <br />Planned Unit <br />Develop:nent <br /> <br />ACTIOtf REQUE.STED: <br /> <br />PL&DDIG coa:IDDAYXOIIS: <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />~ut three years a.qc Gordy Howe Real Estl:.te Cc~itJ\y . <br />pJ'oposec:! and the City approved It Planned Unit Developlleft1: <br />nn this site consisting cf 61 apartaent units and an <br />office building in the southe~st c~rner of ttA site. Tba <br />land :.s ~~ned R-JA and 1.iaited Business and bas btten <br />platted as indicated in a copy :)f the att:~cbed sect.ion <br />..p. You will notc tilat it is platted a: Lot ~, Block 1 <br />of Werner Beiqhts. Lot 1 is that portion of the site <br />reserved for the office building ~bic:h is not beint; <br />proposed as a part or this aaended FeD. Howev.r r you will <br />cote that 'the current proposai inclu~es en area of lu.d. 65 <br />feet in width that vas belf19' reserved for poten'tia1. <br />expansio.'"\ cf tbe Countrj Jtitcbe::a site to the Garth L-E <br />east of this parcel.. Thus, th6 current proposal is for . <br />parcel of land larqer ttaL'\ th~t ariqinally apprtJveci. <br /> <br />.," <br /> <br />2. Attached is a copy of t:~e state:2ent and a s'ries of <br />drawinqs presented by ue Brutqer companies. Yo" vill <br />notice th~t 'the st.te~ent includes a co:parative anal}sis <br />~f the oriCji!\al Y.m apPl.cved and the current p~oposal. <br /> <br />). Th~ E'P.!!,h"'si~ ~! t.:~~ ~~..:~~ :i:: ~:'~;::;';.:i:;;i~<.~ .:.~ ~lloi~ <br />developaent with the applicant has been to eit~er build <br />the dev~iopment as ori~inally approved (the Gordon Hove <br />PCD proposal), or propo!;e icprove:cnts that would ..lte th. <br />development better. <br /> <br />,. There are ~.o principle chanq~s here which ~ake t~e <br />current propcsai substantially difterent froc ~he previous <br />ene. One i~ that ~he Brutqer co~pany prcposes to rero~te <br />the sewer 1 ine that runs t:t.roiJgh the property to ~llow tM <br />b'::.i..~inq to be mc'Ved further sou~h. Thus, they are <br />e~t3~1=shir.g a ne~ propcs~d Dini~u~ 5etback of SO fee~ <br />