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<br />. . . .. . . <br />, p . .. L . <br />, .- <br />'. .. ~ . '. - . <br />" . . . ~ <br />:- '~~ <br /> <br />t' <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />Brutger companies, Inc., Case ~o. 1864 <br /> <br />Page ;: <br /> <br /> <br />fro~ the r rth prcper~y l~nt. ~h€re as the previ~us <br />propc5al ._ 5 35 feet. The second change is ':hat instead <br />of the auildi~ being 2 and 3 stories high. the current <br />structure ~s 3 stories in its er.t~rety. This as allowed <br />them to make thd b~ildinq smaller, th~refore. increasinq <br />the setbacks to the west ( f rt:'~ 50 feet to 112 feet). <br /> <br />5. Because additional land is being added. the nuaber of <br />units bas been increased froO! 61 to 12. .l11e nnaber of <br />parking spaces under the building has also been increaseci <br />fro. 61 tc 82. A total of 14-4 parting: spaC&S is required: <br />146 are propcsed. A larger parking are~ u.'"lder the <br />builciinq is provided because the m.c~ line;; units are <br />relatively large. In a typical apart1aent develop:aent vita" <br />3 s~ories of residential units, the~e is ~dequate s~ <br />ior 1 parking space per en it. <br /> <br />. - <br />6. The propose~ st--uct~re js to ~ entirely of brick~ 4itb <br />alusi!1ua sic!inq in areas .invc..:.vinq t.b~ balc~ies. 'tbou9h <br />a pe..~ive dr~winq has been submitted, as of th.i..i da~e <br />,.-e d.o not Mve tU..ter1.0r elevations of the structure <br />indicatinq the exact use of t_"ese Aterials and, aore <br />importantly, the heiqht. of the building. <br /> <br />7. Durinq of discussions with the applicant rCCFrdinq tbis <br />prcposal \Ie talked at:oct t:\E he'~ght of the b,,-ilding as. it <br />relates to the previcu~ly a~prcve~ plan ~nd the <br />residential bOlle sites to t.'1e north. !'be intent was tr.. <br />keep tn6Se heiC)bts the same. Since ~he residentiAl l~ <br />to the nort." is hiCJb, we feel it is illpOrtant that Ute <br />reof on the new davelopaent be a pitched roof. Al thouqb <br />this ..kes the roof higher, it provides a .ore attractive <br />view than the top of a typic?l flat roof. <br /> <br />e. WE understand ~hat the appli~ants ~~v~ had a ~etin9 with <br />the neighbors as required and that ~here were <br />re~ult~. Cer~ainly an iRportant element is the height of <br />......_ _..........._.........._ ......._ ,.._.,~..._..... .___ ..""'..... """'-........a...._..:....' ,_.._ .._ <br />......c;.. .......... ........~_... w:. "'.."-' w~~......'-.... ....._ __ _..... .. '-~.._....... ... ......_ _....._..... _... <br />the n~~th. ~nd the use of the ex~erior ~a:erials. <br /> <br />9. Subject to the re~ipt of additional ~nfor3~ticn, it vould <br />appear that the propos~d dQvelop~nt constitu~es an <br />.improvement over the previously appro~ed plan. Der.sity, <br />rar~in9. and ~th~r code require~ents are ccn:ot~d to. <br />The Fire ~~~shall no~e~ tha~ the L~ildinq will have to be <br />supp'iied -at.h a sprinkler Si!;tt'.JR since there is roc <br />vehicular ~~ce~s to all sid~s of the buildinq. The <br />engineers n~te that there ar~ ~ome concerns relatinq to <br />fcr~al dpp~cval ot the handling of the dcain~q~ a~ <br />gr~dir.g 35 ~hey rel~te to t.he M~~T rlght.-of-way t~ the <br />$outh. In p:cvious disc~ssions _ith the applican~. it <br />-culd appear ~hat these rrc~lr.~s can be solved. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br />1 <br />, <br />~, <br />J <br />