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<br /> <br />FRO..-TI,..~.~_'n.,3~:~ ~, :LU...(!:~f,.'.,"!::'E'LQ~:~t.0~. '93 !S:S;; <br /> <br />110.7 <br /> <br />,rF..:..5-;'8 <br /> <br />point ~f beginninq of the line :'0 :oe degcri.bed; thence on an <br />az11luth of 175 41 minute. 5 6 s~onds for '76':. 83 f~t; <br />thenc:a d.n_ct to the right: on a tangential curve =.vinq r~diua <br />of 5745.41 feet: aftr:: . delta a..~le of 5 degre&5 3J minu-tec 2S <br />BeCOIds for 557.24 feet. t.o a point on the East liro.e 01'. C'utlot c, <br />sud S1.avik Par::t, .ud 'the.:C'. terminating. <br /> <br />Ramsey Coun-ty, Jtirmesota <br /> <br />This vacation $ha1l be subject to <m easeJI!eJ)t: for future light- <br />rail transit use on the :Collovinq des.cribad p01."'tioI'!. of the <br />vaca~d r1ght;-of-"'ay~ <br /> <br />Tbat part: o~ Outlot. C, Slavik hrk and ~t part of the Southeast <br />quarter of SQCtion ~, To\o-nsh!p 29, Range 23 which lies within the: <br />foUouing described lines: <br /> <br />Ctmmene1nq At ~ =.1. Southeast corner of said S1iIci:ion "; thence <br />Horth (asaWNd bearinq) alonq t!1. East lilt~ of the ~ut'..heast <br />quarter of said Section 4 a 4istance of 1794.81 feet to tbe point <br />of iht~on with a line 8.04 feat Southerly of and :para116.l. <br />vlt:h t:n. )forth line ot Outlot B, SlavU> Park~ thuK:e Horth IS! <br />deqreec 53 .iJ,,~t.c W..t alonq sa1<! pa~1e.1 line 7!5. 78 feet to Ii <br />point 74.22 teet Easterly of the East line of said OUtlot 15, said <br />point ):)eiftg t:be point or beginning of the lines to be herein <br />described: thenoa Sontherly alonq a. non-ungential r.urve to 1'11_ <br />riget., radius of 5745.47 fea"t, delta ang1.o of ... degr..s 36 <br />~tes .n secohds, 10119 chori of 462. C7 f..t bear. South :; <br />cSegr... 15 ~ut.. 01 s&eon:1s Wa~, a dist;ance of Ui2.59 feet to <br />a point 102 ~eet W..-tu-ly of the East line or tbe Southeast <br />quarter of said ~ectiDn 4 f tl--mce South along a lln. not taDge.nt <br />to said curve pa'!"aUel With 'the East: line of Rid Sou~ut <br />quartar 141.50 feet: thence Southwesterly alo119 51 non-t.anqential <br />curve to the riqht, radius of aS8.51 feet, delta anqle of 4 <br />devrees 37 .inutes 20 saconds, long chord of 69.24 feet bean <br />South 15 degrees 47 .inute:s 14 seconds~. a di5tance of 69,26 <br />r_t; thence )forth alcng a 1ine not t.~:t\t to said curve 208.77 <br />feet, then~ Hortb$1:"ly along a non-tangell'tial curve to the left, <br />~QS of 572S.~7, aelt~ anql& of 4 ~ees 37 ainutes 12 <br />S8QC)nds. lonq eho~d of 461.5J feGt bears North 3 degrees 15 <br />1IiJ\utes 24 seconds Eali~, a distanc~ of +.61. 67 fee~ to t."e point <br />o~ 1n~.rsectlon with a line 8.04 f"eet Southerly of and parAllel <br />with the Horth line of said OUtlot B: thence ~uth 89 d~ess ~3 <br />a11'1utes East alon-q said pa.:!'all~l line 20.CO feet to the p.:tint or. <br />~i1minq. <br /> <br />The ~~ion tor thQ ~doptio~ of 't-~e foreg~ln9 resclution was d~ly <br />.~onded by lfeJai).r , an" upen a vote ::'einq <br />t.ken thareon, the followIng ';oted ir- fAvor ther~of~ <br /> <br />~ 1(", <br /> <br />:1 <br />