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<br />FIID,J1-=:(re_ ''3;tu,;;,.;;::~ FC", KlL,C('!H._T[rf;JEo"Je;,_~,_'",~ 1::;:::;. <br /> <br />"0.;' <br /> <br />PRE'..4,--e <br /> <br /> <br />MOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED, that. the City council of the City <br />of R08evlU2 hereby recmmends vacating the publ ic street over <br />tha property described as follows: <br /> <br />'!'b.3t part or outlot C, Slayik F'ark, whioh lies: Souther11' o'f the <br />Eastad.y e:..-t.ension acr~sa said o~tlot. C of a 1 in. 8. Q.4 teet <br />Southerly of and parallel t.o the Hertl< l~ of Outlot B. A.\.d. <br />Sl~"ik Park vbich liQS We~t.erly of 1I line run parallel 1o'1tl1 and <br />!&~ ,(0 feet easterly of I,ine ~ d.scribed below, northerly nf <br />a 1ine run parallel with and .iist~t 71) teet ftOrtherly ot LiJ'ie 2 <br />described below aLl! Easterly of a. line run parallel witt'l and <br />dis'tant 30 feet easterly of li11~ J described bel:J>;: <br /> <br />Line 1. Beginl'ling at:: "tha point of termination of Line 2 <br />described. belCM; ~ run northerly at right angles to said <br />LiM 2 for :l90.!i1 feet: thence de,f1ect to the riCJbt on ... <br />t~nt!a.l curv~ bavinq a radius of 811.51 t'eet and a delta anc;le <br />of 33 degrees 28 mirmtes 53 seconds for 478.31 f-.etJ thence on <br />tangent to sa!d curve for 35. "8 feet I thence dafl~t to the left. <br />nn a tangential cunPe haviR9 a ndiu.; of 818.51 teet and _ delu <br />ancJle of 31 c!ec;ree& 07 -.inu~aa 19 seccnd!: rcsr 444. fi teet ana <br />there terw.inat;iJIg, <br /> <br />Line 2. Bagitmint) at a poif\t on the '~st line of Section ~, <br />Tounchip 29 North, Ranqe 23 Wen diatant 12'7.41 feet north of t:he <br />SootJ1east corner thereof; thence run 1IIeStarly at an anqle eof .6 <br />deQTaes 42 ainutu 34 seconQs frea said east ~ion line <br />(.easw.-ed ~ro. nort:h to west) for 471.83 feet and there <br />teXJli.~tln9 ; <br /> <br />Un. 3. O:Mwa~i~q at 'the SouthtNst corner nf Section .. I <br />~ip ,g Morth. Ran;e 23 West: thence North (a~ be.-rinq) <br />along the East line .of said Section. at & distance of 127.C1 <br />reetf t:be."1i:Ie Morth 86 deqrees 42 moutes 34 secon4s West 483.)] <br />feet to point of beqi.nninq of. Line '); thence North 03 degrees 16 <br />airsutea 50 seconds East. 178.04 fc,,- ~ to point of tan~ntial curve: <br />t:beno8 along a curve to the let... 1:l5.1S feet, radius .of 500 feet, <br />delta. angle of 14 degrees 20 minutes 44 saconds: thence North 11 <br />degree a 03 .in'"tes 54 seconds West tc.nqent: t.o said curve 111.72: <br />feQt toO point of taAgential Cl]1"'\. _: thence elong a curve to ~. <br />rigbt 9'.56 r..t, rAdi~~ of SOO teet, delta angle of 11 deqre~ <br />03 ainute-s 54 E:econds aM there terw.inating. <br /> <br />And that ~rt of the. Scutheast qu~rte.r of Section 4, Township 29 <br />Nortb. Range 23 ~~.t wbich lies ~~.t~ly of Outlot C, Sl~v1k <br />Par~f SoUtbeKly of the Sasterly extQ~10n acrO$~ s~id Ou~!o~ ot . <br />linG 8. O~ feet Sautherly of and parallltJ. to the North line of <br />~tlot R, said 53 i\wi k Park, and ~esterly of the fol1cviftCj <br />described line~ From the east quarter ~ornar of said s~t;on 4, <br />run westerl:j. 410nq the east ai'1d "'-est Cf'-..rter line thar.of ~_..., ~l1 <br />azi.~t~ of 268 d&qre.. 48 minutes 07 secoJlds \azi~uth oriented to <br />Minr~$cta stat. Plant Coordina~e System) for 7.50 ~..t to ~h. <br /> <br />~,oo <br /> <br />2 <br />