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<br /> OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Roseville Police Department eN 01-08564 <br />r Offense I Class J II \J^~ M.O.C. <br /> l). A A l.~. . ~ I W~ E. L,ln <br /> Discharge of Dangerous Weapon <br /> OLense 2 Class a \J \I M.O.C. <br /> Offense 3 Class M.O.C. <br /> Earliest Time Mo. Day Yr. <br /> DJuv. o Use of Force DPursult o Transport Search Route to 1850 06 05 20')1 <br /> Time Disp Arrived I Cleared I Write Time I Day ot Wk. I Mo. Day Yr. Latest/ Time 01 Mo. Day Yr. <br /> 1841 1845 1941 Tue 06 05 2001 <br /> LOCATION OF OFFENSE / INCIDENT <br /> Business Name Address or Location Phone No <br /> 190 I Shady Beach Ave. 651-488-4849 <br /> Brief Descriotion of Valued at <br /> Property Stolen $ <br /> Brief Description of 12 Gauge Remington shotgun with brown canvas and polaroid photo. <br /> Evidence Collected <br /> [] SUSPECT VEHICLE 11 POSSIBLE SUSPECT VEHICLE lJ VICTIM'S VEHICLE <br /> license No., Description <br /> LIST IN ORDER: A-Arrested S-Suspect (-Comp V-Victim W-Witness M-Mentioned P-Property N-Narrative <br /> Full Name/ 0.0.8/ Race/ Gender! Address! Zip Code! Phone Numbers: Home, Work, Cellular, Pager. Juvenile Involved: Parenti Guardian, School <br /> CODES <br /> t\ DANIEL MALACHI SHIEL Y, WIM, 04-26-42 ",- <br /> 1901 SHADY BEACH AVE. ROSEVILLE, MN 55113. (H) 651-488-4849 (W)651-488-6621 ~ <br /> ISSUED CITATION # 901-126393 FOR DISCHARGING A DANGEROUS WEAPON. fi' ./ <br /> *RELEASED AT THE SCENE* ~~ <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> C BONNIE REBECCA BERGRENHOFF, W/F, 09- 11 -52 j>Ff <br /> 1897 SHADY BEACH AVE. ROSEVILLE, MN 55113. (H) 651-276-9990 j~ <br /> W KATHLEEN NANCY CREA, WfF, 06-19-46 <br /> 190 I SHADY BEACH AVE. ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 (H) 651-488-4849 JV <br /> p 1. 12 GAUGE REMINGTON SHOTGUN WITH BROWN CANVAS. PL #15 PR <br /> 2. I-POLAROID OF THE SHOTGUN. PL #15 <br />I N Squads were dispatched to above location on a neighbor who shot two rounds into the air to scare away <br /> n <br /> the geese. The complainant stated that the shots came from 1901 Shady Beach. :z: <br /> On arrival, Off. Spark and I spoke with the homeowner of 190 I Shady Beach Ave. I I.D.ed the male via (~ <br /> MN photo drive's license as the above listed, Shiely. I asked Shiely if he had tired any type of weapon. "'- <br /> Shiely stated that he fired two shots with his shotgun. I then asked him where the shotgun was located. \ <br /> Shiely stated that he put it back in the closet down in the basement. Shiely's friend, Crea, went downstairs 1:1) <br /> and pointed to the location of the shotgun. I looked into the closet and noticed that shotgun was in a <br /> brown canvas bag leaning against the wall. I opened the canvas cover and noticed that the chamber was I~ <br /> warm. I made it s,lfe by looking and feeling into the chamber. I also noticed that there where fragments (" <br /> of shotgun shells around the chamber area. -~ <br /> Shiely admitted that he shot two rounds into the air to scare away the geese. Shiely mentIOned that there <br /> was no one on the lake when he fired the shots. Shiely stated that the geese were damaging his lawn. <br /> Shiely pointed out a broken branch that had fallen when he shot into the air. <br /> Reviewed by Reporting Officer Badge # Ass!. Officers <br /> CHAd 155 161 Page I of 2 <br />