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<br />2.3 Mr. Hoff was made aware of the inadvertent error and staff explained his options (reduce <br />the proposed height of the fence or apply for a variance), but the fence was installed in <br />violation of Section 10 l2.02B2. <br /> <br />2.4 In August 2001, the Community Development Department notified Mr. Hoffby letter <br />regarding the recently constructed fence and the need to comply with Section 1012.02B2 <br />of the Roseville City Code. Mr. Hoff was given 30 days to comply. He did not comply <br />within the specified time line and an administrative ticket was issued and another letter <br />sent regarding the need to comply with the City Code. <br /> <br />2.5 On October 2, Mr. Hoff submitted his application for a variance. The continued <br />processing of the administrative ticket was suspended pending the outcome of the <br />vanance process. <br /> <br />3.0 STAFF COMMENT <br /> <br />3.1 Section 1012.02B2 requires fences to be a maximum of four-foot fence tall in a front <br />yard. <br /> <br />3.2 Mr. Hoff s front yard is that portion of the parcel that lies from the principal structure <br />(house) due east to the property line along Shady Beach A venue. <br /> <br />3.3 Mr. Hoff installed the existing 6-1/2 foot tall white plastic fence in violation of Section <br />1Ol2.02B2 of the Roseville City Code. <br /> <br />3.4 Staff has received several calls and letters from the adjacent property owners (directly <br />north and south) objecting to the fence installation. Mr. Frank Hess, 1891 Shady Beach <br />Avenue, has contacted the Planning Office objecting to the fence and Mr. Dan Shiely, <br />1901 Shady Beach Avenue, has provided the Planning Commission with a packet of <br />information opposing the variance. Two issues have been identified: <br /> <br />A) The fence construction to almost the shoreline of Lake McCarrons. <br />B) The portion in the front yard taller than the required four feet. <br /> <br />3.5 Staff has determined that the Shoreland Ordinance (Section 1016) does not have specific <br />regulations for fence height or location. Therefore, the standards of the City Code apply <br />(4 foot front yard height, 6-1/2 foot side/rear yard height except comer or through lot). <br /> <br />3.6 The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has also reviewed the Roseville <br />Shore land Ordinance and DNR regulatory authority and concluded that the fence can <br />extend to the shoreline and be to the limits specified (side and rear yard) in the Roseville <br />Zoning Ordinance (see attached letter). <br /> <br />3.7 Mr. Hoffhas indicated that a bathroom and bedroom face the front yard and have limited <br />privacy. The fence shelters views into these two rooms. Mr. Hoff also states that the <br />fence blocks headlights entering the home from the street and the neighboring driveway. <br /> <br />PF3347 ReA 112601 Page 2 of 5 <br />