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<br />I(). tRIt BY <br /> <br />REVISIONS <br /> <br />FILE -/uurl/ltp'dltvWILL1.lQ415J'f.DO"Y.ii! <br /> <br />.' <br />...:.... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Parcell <br /> <br />I <br />/1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />J <br />/_- <br />/ <br />/ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />That part of TflIct 8, Registered land Survey No. 189, on fl Ie In the oHlce of <br />the RegIstrar of Titles, Rauey County, Minnesota, lYing northerly of the <br />follo'allng descrIbed 1 ine: <br /> <br />CoaaenCin? at the southwest corner of said Tract 8; thence on an assulled <br /> <br />~::~ I~~ ~he NO~~~t a ~fn6e~~~n~~~t oi I~: Idf I ~~~~ I~:~~e a NO:t~1 s~a~~~r~~s 55.54 <br /> <br />05 .Inutes 3~ seconds East 29.45 feet; thence on a bearing of North, <br />11 dIstance of 20.02 feet: thence North 58 degrees 05 IIlnutes 35 seconds <br />East 325 feet IllQre or less to the shore of lake Josephine and saId line <br />there teralnattng. <br /> <br />I~~~~~~~e(~~~ ~~$~:~~:~~t o~~~ ~~ar:~~o:~d t~;~e~:r iO o:a l~t T 2~~t H~CKNEY <br /> <br />PRRK, R"'lI'Isey County, Minnesota and vacated portion of the oflglnal <br />road along the Southerly line of said lot 24, lYing South of a line <br />begInning "'t '" pOint on the North and South Quarter line of said Section- <br />3; dIStant 2160.3 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Northeast <br /> <br />~~~~tO~a~~e~ll :?n~e~~ l~~e 3; n~~;~~~t ~~~e~1 i~~e W~~~h~:O~~;:; ~7g~ ~~h~~y <br /> <br />desCflbed In Book !II of Miscellaneous, at Page 77, flied In the oHlce <br />of the County Recorder In Rauey County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />".::) <br /> <br />~. ..... <br />\~? F:\ C~. \ <br /> <br />F:\ <br /> <br /> w <br /> :z. <br /> --- <br /> :c <br /> ~ 0- <br /> ~ W <br /> . U1 <br /> ~ <br /> ~ 0 <br /> ~ 'J <br /> '0 <br />" t W <br />1" <br /> ~ <br />! a: <br />/ -1 <br /><: <br />\ <br /> <br />I~~~~~~~e~~;: ~~s~:~~:~~t o~~~ ~~r:~~o;~d t~~~e~~r;o o~a l~t T 2:~tH~CKNEY <br /> <br />PRRK, Ramsey County, MInnesota and vacated portion of the original <br />road along the Southerly line of uld lot 24, lYIng South of a line <br />beginning al a POtrU on the North and South Quart!!!r lIne of Sil1(j SectIon <br />3: distant 2160.3 feet North of the Southwest corner of the ~Jortheast <br /> <br />~~~~tO:a~~e~a; ~ n;:~~ I ~~e 3; n~~~~~~t ~~~e~11 ~~e i1~~~h~~O~~~:; ~~g~~~h~~y <br /> <br />deSCribed In Book III of Miscellaneous, at Page 77, flied In the offIce <br />of the County Recorder In Ralllsey County, Hlf'lnesota. <br /> <br />(~l <br /> <br />rOUND RRHSEY CO. CIH RT H.C. <br /> <br />.' <br />.'~'.. <br /> <br />.-:::., <br />,. <br /> <br />(. . <br /> <br />./ 'J <br />... !~. <br /> <br />....... <br /> <br />....:.:. <br /> <br />Parcel 2 <br /> <br />~~;~;t~~r R~rT:~~:~, L~~~s~~rC~n~~: ~~~~e~~t~: l:x~~p~h~h~ff;~~t Q;f t~:ld Tract <br />a, lYing northerly 0( the follOWIng descrIbed line: <br />COII"CnCIf1? at the south"'l!:st corner of Sllld Tract B: thence on an assullled <br />~~:~ I ~~ ~he NO~~~t 11 ~~n6e~~~n~~~to} l~: I ~f I ~~~ ~ ~~:~~e B No:t~ 1 ~~a~~~r~~s 55.54 <br /> <br />05 Itlnutes 3~ seconds East 29.45 feet; thence on 11 bearing of North, 11 <br />distance of 20.02 feet; thence North 58 degrees as tllnutes 35 seconds <br />Eut 325 feet !!lOrl!! or less to the shore of lake JosephIne and said line <br />there terllllnatlng. <br /> <br />.,'.j <br /> <br />/"- <br /> <br />" 1-(> <br />., '\. ('1-1' 0 <br />~~ , " \("..y-9- <br />. '\. 'It'1-, <br />','\. 'lv" <br />',- 1-,,1' A <br />'" 1'." <br />""'-'. oY'lC <br />"\. ,\'. "'1-1'> <br />, .y '\ A.;>."", <br /> <br />'\ ~~ ,\, '~\J <br /> <br />,\.,." '\ " <br />\ <", \"" \' <br />\ 4- \\ \'\ . <br />~ ,\,,/'\ <br />\ \\ '\-~T- <br />\ ~ , \ <br />\~~4- \\\ <br />\? "'\ \ <br />\ ~ ' \ <br /> <br />DNR 0 H W ~ 884 2 <br />CITY 100 YR ~ 885 5 <br />ELEVATION OF LAKE JOSEPHINE <br />ON JUNE 18-1993 - 884 3 <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />..- <br />./ <br />./ <br />./ <br />./ <br />./ <br />\ \ \ \ ./././././ <br />~\ \\ \ II ././ <br /> <br />I \ \ U' \ I I ././ <br />Cl CONSTRUqED RORD \\\' \ I I ./ <br /> <br />\ "\\! ! ././ <br />\ 30 SAN'N9.\I'" ././ <br />\ I \ TO' > ",.1'\ ./ <br />CLOFHIGHl<AYASOESCRIBEDINBOOI(I1IOFKISC.PRGEn17B \J:\\N\V =895.03 I :~ ~ ,/ <br />1 ~ ;;;~".; ./././ <br /> <br />\ n \ I!\ i: / <br />\ \ \ 1:,~,\~1 <br />\ ~ 1\, ~( <br />\ \ ;~- <br />m\ .j)~ <br /> <br />INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT <br />PER R.l.5. NO, 189 <br /> <br />-...., <br /> <br />Rrea of Hamil ne Rvenue be I i eved to be <br />vacated. No Record of vacatIon found. <br />OwnerShip unknown. <br /> <br />/ <br />/ <br />/ <br />/ <br />/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br /> <br />He hereby certify that thIS is a true and correct representatIon of a survey of <br />the boundar i es of: <br /> <br />Tract B, Registered land Survey No. 189, on fi Ie In the office of the <br />Registrar of Titles, Ramsey County, Minnesota <br /> <br />RRHSET CO. CIH AT <br />THE SOUTHWEST CORNER <br />Of THE NORTHERST QURRTER <br />or SECTION 3, T29, R23 <br />./ <br />,/ <br /> <br />,/ <br />./ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />./ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br />,/ <br /> <br />Together with an easement for Ingress and egress to saId Tract B <br />(hereInbefore described) over and across that part of lot 24, HACKNEY <br />PARK, Ramsey County, MInnesota and vacated portion of the orIginal <br />road along the Southerly lIne of saId lot 2/1, lYing South of a line <br />beginning at a pOint on the North and South Quarter lIne of said Section <br />3: dIstant 2160.3 feet NOr'th of the Southwest corner of the Northeast <br />Quarter' of said Section 3; thence extending West at rIght angles to <br />said Quarter line to the Intersection of the right-of-way of hlghlllay <br />descr'lbed In Book 111 of Miscellaneous, at Page 77, filed in the office <br />of the County Recorder In R"'lIIsey County, t'hnnesota. <br /> <br />And the location of all bUildIngs, If any, thereon, and all VISIble encr'oachments, <br />~~i~n2?n~r'~~/~foJuf~:dl~93~' As surveyed by me or under my dIrect super'vlSlon <br /> <br />McCombs Frank Roos Assoc I ates, Inc. <br /> <br />DENOTES IRON HONUHENT PlRCED <br />DENOTES IRON HONUHENT rOUND IN PlRCE <br /> <br />/2, /) il/ <br />_.L_~2,~.;!__u:...~~.i'..t~_______ <br />Paul A. Johnson <br />land Surveyor Minn. Reg. No. 10938 <br /> <br />[[SIQIJ) BY <br /> <br />0mIlI I1f <br />'Rl <br />"""""'11f <br />PRl <br />COOl. <br /> <br />I I€RUl cunn ntn nas I'UlH lflS PfEPfIlED IT It: 011 lI(O(JI <br />HTOltn:CTStJl[mstOlillMlnflTIAl'lRw..Ytn:~STERfDUIID <br />SlIlVET~ tJlDEl THf llllSOf 1lI: STRT[ Of IUNl€SOTR. <br /> <br />a <br /> <br />McCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOCIlITES, INC. <br /> <br /> 80UNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY OF: SCfU 51"" REV. <br /> 1..~3D. PREPARED FOR: <br /> "'" "'" <br />Tract 8, R.L.S. No. 189, Ramsey County, Minnesota '07 " <br /> rIL[IIO. THOMAS WILLMUS '" <br /> 10415 <br /> <br />..... I1f <br />HTP <br /> <br />15050 23rd Ave. N. <br />Ply.outn. HN 55447 <br />61H76-6DID <br /> <br />Enginelll's <br />Plannen <br />Surveyor's <br /> <br />I<lfllIOl <br /> <br />om: <br />/07/22/93 <br /> <br />Ilfli.NO. <br /> <br />DRIE <br /> <br />/ <br />