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PF3000 - PF3801
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Last modified
7/17/2007 1:54:00 PM
Creation date
5/13/2005 2:12:15 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Planned Unit Development
495 Iona Lane/Cohannsey Circle
Project Name
Stoney River Development
Stoney River Development
Date Final City Council Action
Additional Information
PUD: 7-lot single family residental PUD, 2.25 acre at 495 Iona Ln
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<br />2.9 The Roseville City Code, under a standard subdivision development and requirements for <br />standard new single-family detached units, allows principal structures to have a 20 feet <br />separation. The proposed PUD has a minimum structure separation of 20 feet. <br /> <br />2.10 Traffic generation (Source: Institute of Traffic Engineers - Traffic Generation Manual) is <br />estimated to be from 7 to 11 vehicles per housing unit or a total of 50 to 80 trips which <br />will enter or leave the cul-de-sac to lona Lane during a given 24 hour day. The peak PM <br />hour should range from 8 to 12 vehicle trips. This includes vehicles such as the mail <br />truck and garbage pick-up. lona Lane is not at traffic capacity for a residential street and <br />can easily absorb the added trips, some of which are already on the street. <br /> <br />2.11 Utility services - city water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer have the required capacity <br />in this area to serve the proposed eight lots. <br /> <br />2.12 The attached proposal illustrates the proposed street with cul-de-sac, house pads with <br />structure footprint and driveways, and the common area. <br /> <br />2.13 The County Assessor's market valuation of housing (not sales value which may be up to <br />20% more) in the neighborhood (27 homes) ranges from $102,100 to $186,700. The <br />higher values were to the east and southeast. Hills Court South values, adjoining the <br />proposal to the northwest, range from $357,000 to $465,600 because of newer age and <br />larger size. <br /> <br />3.0 STAFF COMMENTS and FINDINGS: <br /> <br />3.1 The land use - seven, single family detached, owner occupied housing units is consistent <br />with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the area and is consistent with the Zoning <br />Code density of 4 units per acre. There appears to be a need for this type of low <br />maintenance, smaller housing unit, which is more consistent with the rambler <br />architecture of the surrounding lots. <br /> <br />3.2 The proposed street design dedicating 50-feet of right-of-way for a roadway and 100 feet <br />of right-of-way for a cul-de-sac (turn-around), and developing a 28-foot wide street with <br />an 80-foot wide cul-de-sac is consistent with the City Code. A 28-foot wide pavement <br />allows for parking on one side, if driveways do not interfere. Staff is investigating the <br />possibility of shared driveways and a planting and snow storage island within the cul-de- <br />sac. <br /> <br />3.3 The final grading and drainage plan must be reviewed and approved by the Roseville <br />Engineering Department to ensure consistency with the Grass Lake and Roseville storm <br />water management plans prior to final Council approval. A 10-foot wide utility and <br />drainage easement must be provided around the periphery of Lot 8 (outlot/common area) <br />and five-foot wide utility and drainage easements adjacent all other lot lines. The <br />developer must also work with the Public Works Department to determine the final use <br />for the existing utility stubs that lie along the west side of the parcel. <br /> <br />PF3357 ReA Final Development Plan 030402 Page 3 <br />
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