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<br />FE-6223.1 <br />(1/95) <br /> <br />AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT <br />(Minnesota) <br /> <br />SECTION I <br />LOSSES INSURED AND <br />LOSSES NOT INSU RED <br /> <br />The following is added to LOSSES INSURED: <br /> <br />We insure for all loss or damage caused by <br />fire and any damage caused by lightning. <br /> <br />The following is deleted from LOSSES NOT IN- <br />SURED: <br /> <br />a. the enforcement of any ordinance or <br />law: <br /> <br /> <br />(1) regulating the construction, use or <br />repair of any property; or <br /> <br />(2) requiring the tearing down of any <br />property, including the cost of re- <br />moving its debris; <br /> <br />SECTION I <br />DEDUCTIBLES <br /> <br />The following is added to DEDUCTIBLES: <br /> <br />The deductible does not apply to total loss of <br />a building. <br /> <br /> <br />SECTION I <br />CONDITIONS <br /> <br />The following is added to item e. of Loss Payment: <br /> <br />If at any time we reach final agreement with <br />you on an amount in settlement of all or part <br />of your claim, we will issue payment within <br />five business days from the date of the agree- <br />ment. <br /> <br />The following is added to Valuation: <br /> <br />In the event of a total loss to COVERAGE A - <br />BUILDINGS caused by a LOSS INSURED, <br />we will pay the Limit of Insurance shown in <br />the Declarations for COVERAGE A - BUILD- <br />INGS. <br /> <br />Legal Action Against Us is replaced by the fol- <br />lowing: <br /> <br />+ <br /> <br />Legal Action Against Us. No one may bring <br />legal action against us under this insurance <br />unless: <br /> <br />a. there has been full compliance with all of <br />the terms of this insurance; <br /> <br />b. the loss has become payable as speci- <br />fied in the Loss Payment Condition; and <br /> <br />c. the action is brought within 2 years after <br />the date on which the direct physical loss <br />or damage occurred. <br /> <br />With respect to OPTION ED - Employee <br />Dishonesty, there must be full compliance <br />with all provisions and terms applicable to <br />OPTION ED. Suit must commence within 2 <br />years from the date the insured discovered <br />the loss. <br /> <br />The Mortgage Holders Condition is revised as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Mortgage Holders. When used in the follow- <br />ing provisions of this condition, the term <br />"mortgage holder" includes mortgagee, trus- <br />tee or contract for deed vendor: <br /> <br />Item c. of Mortgage Holders is replaced by the <br />following: <br /> <br />c. If we deny your claim because of your <br />acts or because you have failed to com- <br />ply with the terms of this policy, the <br />mortgage holder will still have the right <br />to receive loss payment if the mortgage <br />holder: <br /> <br />(1) pays any premium due under this <br />policy at our request if you have <br />failed to do so; and <br /> <br />(2) submits a signed, sworn statement <br />of loss within 60 days after receiv- <br />Ing notice from us of your failure to <br />do so. <br /> <br />All terms of this policy will then apply <br />directly to the mortgage holder. <br /> <br />(CONTINUED) <br />