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<br /> <br /> <br />+ <br /> <br /> in pursuing a claim under this cording to social security <br /> policy; standards. <br />(3) actions by you that have sub- 4. Cancellation for non-payment of pre- <br /> stantially increased or sub- mium will not be effective if payment of <br /> stantially changed the risk the amount due is made prior to the <br /> insured; effective date of the cancellation. <br />(4) your refusal to eliminate 5. If this policy has been issued for a term <br /> known conditions that in- longer than one year or for an indefinite <br /> crease the potential for loss term, we may cancel only for the specific <br /> after notification by us that the reasons set forth in 3. above. Written <br /> condition must be removed; notice of cancellation will be mailed or <br /> delivered to the first Named Insured at <br />(5) substantial change in the risk least 60 days before the effective date <br /> assumed, except to the extent of cancellation. <br /> that we should reasonably <br /> have foreseen the change or 6. We will mail or deliver our notice of can- <br /> contemplated the risk in writ- cellation to the first Named Insured at <br /> ing the contract; their address last known to us and to the <br /> agent of record. If notice is mailed, it will <br />(6) loss of reinsurance by us be by first class mail. Notice of such <br /> which provided coverage to us mailing is effective on deposit in the <br /> for a significant amount of the United states mail. Proof of mailing will <br /> underlying risk insured. Any be sufficient proof of notice. Our notice <br /> notice of cancellation under of cancellation will state the reason for <br /> this clause will advise the poll- and effective date of cancellation. The <br /> cyholder that the policyholder policy period will end on that date. <br /> has 10 days from the date of <br /> receipt of the notice to appeal 7. If this policy is cancelled, we will send <br /> the cancellation to the com- the first Named Insured any premium <br /> missioner of insurance and refund due. If we cancel, the refund will <br /> that the commissioner will ren- be pro rata. If the first Named Insured <br /> der a decision as to whether cancels, the refund may be less than pro <br /> the decision is justified be- rata. Cancellation will be effective even <br /> cause of loss of reinsurance if we have not made or offered a refund. <br /> within 5 business days after <br /> receipt of the appeal; The following Conditions are added: <br />(7) a determination by the com- Non-Renewal. <br /> missioner that the continu- <br /> ation of this policy could place 1. If we decide not to renew this policy, we <br /> us in violation of the insurance will mail or deliver to the first Named <br /> laws of this state; or Insured written notice of non-renewal at <br /> least 60 days before the date of expira- <br />(8) non-payment of dues to an as- tion provided in the policy. <br /> sociation or organization, <br /> where payment of dues is a 2. We will mail or deliver our notice of non- <br /> prerequisite to obtaining or renewal to the first Named Insured at <br /> continuing the insurance. This their address last known to us and to the <br /> provision for cancellation for agent of record. If notice is mailed, it will <br /> failure to pay dues does not be by first class mail. Notice of such <br /> apply to persons who are re- mailing is effective on deposit in the <br /> tired at 62 years of age or <br /> older or who are disabled ac- <br /> <br />(CONTINUED) <br />