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PF3000 - PF3801
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Last modified
7/17/2007 1:56:12 PM
Creation date
5/20/2005 2:26:07 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Conditional Use Permit
3114 Lexington Avenue
Project Name
Lenfer Transmission
Notto, Randall
Additional Information
Use of property minor engine/transmission repair permitted conditional use
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<br />~ <br /> <br />planning. 37 parking spaces are provjded on site meeting City code requirements. <br />Concrete curb and gutter is proposed for the entire parking lot. Roseville standards say <br />that a pylon sign must be setback 30 feet from the property line. However, a monument <br />sign can reduce this setback by 1/2 the distance. The applicant is proposing a 60 sq. ft. <br />monument sign, 8 feet in height, located 15 feet from the property line. The wall signage <br />proposed is in the form of awnings that are to be back lit. They are within allowable <br />square footage requirements of the code. <br /> <br />4. Engineering review indicates that sidewalks will be required along County Road D and <br />Lexington Avenue. They also point out that the storm sewer system for the site cannot <br />include sheet drainage off the site onto the County roads. As proposed, the drainage <br />system includes catch basins in the parking lot directing surface water into the existing <br />storm sewer system in Lexington Avenue. The County will also need additional right-of- <br />way along Lexington Avenue. <br /> <br />5, The new site plan incorporates the required 5 foot setback for parking along the south <br />property line. To the east is a mu)ti~family residential project with detached garages. <br />These garages screen the parking lot because they are right on the property line with no <br />setbacks. The parking lot on the site currently extends to the property line, as well, with <br />guard rails protecting the back of the garages. In order to provide for the width of the <br />overhead doors and to allow for proper turning movements into the work bays, the <br />applicant is proposing to keep the parking lot in the same area and is requesting a 5 foot <br />setback variance for the parking along the east property line. The north side drive area is <br />set back 5 feet, but by code should be 1 S feet. <br /> <br />6. At the October 12, 1994 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval <br />of the special use permit for Naftalia Alkali to construct an auto repair facility at <br />3114 North Lexington Avenue with a 5' east side parking lot setback variance and a <br />10' north side setback variance. The Commission added the conditions to the <br />special use permit that included: sidewalks are to be installed on both the Lexington <br />and the County Road D side of the property; and the complete dedication as per the <br />applicant's survey of right-of-way to the County shall be completed before the <br />building is occupied. <br /> <br />Staff Recommendations: <br /> <br />1. The light automotive repair use is acceptable in this location. The new facility will replace <br />an existing eye sore and remove neighborhood concerns about the parking of abandoned <br />vehicles on the site. With the exception of the parking setback along the east property <br />line, the proposal meets the City's design standards. As a monument sign, the sign <br />location now meets City setback requirements. Because this project will update and <br />improve an existing vacant facility in the City ofRoseville, staff would recommend <br />approval of the special use permit for light automotive repair. Given the relationship <br />between the neighboring garages to the east and the parking along the east property line, <br /> <br />2 <br />
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