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<br /> <br />May 2,2001 <br /> <br />TO: Roseville Business Owner <br /> <br />RE: County Road C Reconstruction meetine: <br />On "Cleveland to Fairview Access" <br /> <br />In 2002, Ramsey County is proposing to reconstruct County Road C from 35W to Snelling <br />A venue. As a part of this reconstruction the City and County staff have been investigating issues <br />along the roadway. One road segment that has been identified for further study is adjacent to your <br />Business on the south side of County Road "C". <br /> <br />As a part of the proposed reconstruction plan, the County has looked at access along the corridor. <br />The County's preliminary design has medians along this segment of roadway that increase safety <br />and traffic flow, but would limit direct driveway access for many businesses. One alternative <br />studied has been the construction of a frontage road along the south side of the Railroad between <br />Cleveland and Fairview to consolidate access. As a part of this we are looking at the feasibility of <br />installing a new traffic signal (stoplight) at the entry point from County Road C. <br /> <br />You (and/or your representatives) are invited to attend an Access Meeting scheduled for: <br /> <br />Wednesday, May 16, 2001 <br />3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. <br />Roseville City Hall (Public Works Conference Room) <br />(Northwest corner of Lexington Avenue and County Road C) <br /> <br />Weare in the preliminary planning stages of this improvement. We value your comments, please <br />take time to attend the meeting and give us some feedback. If you have any questions or <br />comments and are unable to attend this meeting, please contact either Deb Bloom or Dennis <br />Welsch at City Hall. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />~GLv\~ <br /> <br />Debra M. Bloom (651)-490-2221 <br />Assistant Public Works Director <br /> <br />deb. bloom(cDci .rosevi us <br />Q:\General Correspondence\PatM\04 _30 _ 01 Co C frontagerd jnfo _ mtg.doc <br /> <br />Dennis Welsch (651 )-490-2232 <br />Community Development Director <br />dennis. <br />