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<br />456 <br /> <br />@J,fermentation <br /> <br />I€!.o.ny \ 'fel.;)-ne\ n, pi .nle!l (I Jc) )., ~n ""t en tho piU! olm leud&! <br />vil~l involving the fo-rfciture of his r<< 2 @: @. guve crime formedy <br />differinglrem ~ milidem"""or under Englith rommo" IlIw by involving <br />forfeiture in mddition to any other puu!shmenth ~ tf.grnve crime de-. <br />dared to be ~ felony by !he cemmon I"w o,r by O!1Hute reprdku of the <br />puni.hment a,.ctudly impoiid c:. crime decbn,d m lelony by $tmtute <br />~u"" of the pnn;.hment impo;;ed;"tl: a crime lor which Ihe puni!h. <br />ment in federiU l~w m&lY be d~th Of it?1Prironmcnt .rOf mare thM one <br />ya.r <br />I...l"'li~ \'ieJ-,,,!!\ n ({.!;par + :Ue} 0 ;94), . denu illnllOO. rock oonoi<t. <br />'inlllUmool entirely 01 feldspar ~nd qillU"l2 -:' %I<ltitolc \fel.~";t.ik\ adj <br />Icl",,,,,, "",o[FELDSPAR <br />'Id! \ 'fel!\ n'[ME, Ir. OEi "kin to OHG fil, lell, L fWllere to drive. be&t. <br />Ok fWlas near} (beL 12c1 1 "'" cloth m"de 01 '1'001' "nd fnr often <br />mixed wilh natuml or "ymhetic fiber:; through the ""tion oi h<&l. mois- <br />ture. chemicals. m.nd pressure b: iA firm 'WOVe11 cloth of woo! or cotton <br />heavily napped .nd .hnmk 2, o.n mrtic!e made of felt ,3: m materi,,] <br />rtiembHng Icll: as ":,, he-"vy paper .of ofpnic or &sbe$too libern <br />impregnaled with ".phall ..nd ueed in building conotru<:tion, b: ..",,;. <br />rigId pressed fiber insul.tion \Iud in'buildinll . <br />'lelt Y! (15<:) 1: to ""u&< 10 ..dhere Mq m.! together 2: 10 make into <br />lell or a ,;mih" 'UooI"",,,,, '3: to coverWilli/.lI <br />~cl!past and [XUt pan of FEEL <br />fel/ollig \'1d-l"J\ /I (6116) 1: the by which foil i. made' 2 <br />: l'ELT " . , <br />11P!ItIX>l\ro-'lU.ko. .'l~lt.,,\ /I [ll fe/uca} (1615) <br />: ~ narrow ,itS! Il>teen.rlgged' IlaWng v,,",sd <br />chiefly of the Medi!err"n""" '''''''' <br />'IMWlle We. mill\ n [ME. alter, of femel, fe, <br />melle, Ir. ;"iF &. Ml.; MF fem.lle. Ir, ML <br />femella. Ir. L, girl. dim. 01 femina} 04;:)t <br />: an individual that be&... young or proou..""" <br />egg. ~. diMingui.hed Irom one Ih..1 begets <br />young; "p : fl WOm...., or girl IJU\ distingui.hed <br />from ~ man or boy :<: m pi.till"te plmn! <br />'female adj (l4;:)I.lI< , of, relmting to, or. <br />be;ng Ihe .ex Ill..t be&m young or proouC<$ <br />egg. b, fiSTtLl..ATE Z.,h"villg .ome qutdity <br />(as.genHenellli or delicacy) aMoo"ted w,th the <br />lem.!e rex 3: designed with '~ hollow or <br />groove into whi~h m .corresponding rnaJe part <br />Iii. (- coupling olll haze) - fe~e.IlS$li 11 <br />'f-.I.nme \'fcm-o..!)on\ tuU fMI;.. Ir. MI;,f.",i. <br />lIin. fr. Lfemininus. fro lemma woman; ~Kin to <br />OE delu nipple, L flillJS -1'0", /fIb;, f$ltIS, &. <br />f<cundw lruitful. fe/are to !i/JCk, ,Ok Ih€fl ni{'- <br />pie) (14;:) 1: FcUAWi I" ,2 : ,ch"""eleri5!>e <br />oi or "ppiopriate or J'<<,IiJinr to wom~n :3 I@!ucc. <br />, of. relating to,., or pop.tituting the gendl;l' <br />Ihal ordinarily includes mO~1 word. or gmmmatical lorms relerring to <br />f"",alcs (.. - noun) 4, Ii: being an and u.u. hypemlelrie <br />fin..! syllable ~- ending) b D[.rhyme : h"ving an \"""ed fillroJ syJ. <br />lable e: havmg the li01l1 chord occurring QO a weak be&t (mWiie in _ <br />cadences) -lern.!,nlne.1Yadv- fem.!.nlJie-I"""li \.n,(n)..n;>$\" <br />'Iemlnme n Ox) 1', 'the fenll\le, principle (eternal -)2 ",: a noun, <br />pronOWI. n~j.eclive. or ihl!ectjonill fpnn Qr cl..s.$ 01 tbe leminine 1llj11,dc.r <br />b: the lemmme gender ' ., " ' , <br />leln>f."lro.Hy \,lem.",,'nin."I-E\ Il (14;:)1 : the 'lusJilY or nmlnre pI the <br />iernaJe.ex 2: EFFEMIN4ev ;): WOMEN. WOMANKIND '; , ' <br />f_'!'[!Wl!! \ 'fem."",nlz':mJ\ /I' (! 89S) ).: the theory of the politic.uJ. <br />economic, and social equdity 01 tho .exes 2: organized aClivity on <br />behalf 01 women', rights find in!eresls - f_.!."l@! ,.,,""t\ nor oa}-'- <br />fern.l,uis-t!c Vem........i..tik\ adj <br />f&<rnln.l.ty Ve- min."I"". ro..\" ('(4;:), FEMININtTY ' " <br />lem.I'lIlz" \ lern.....niz\ VI .nl.-oo; -ni%>ll'lg (1652) !: to give ~ feminine <br />quality to ,2: 10'''''U"" (u ",..Ie or "....I",to) to t"ke'on leminine chornc. <br />tors (.... by implanlation 01 ovari"" or "dmini:\\tr&tion 01 ..trogeni" sub- <br />.tances) ....lem.I.I11-lt$l>tl6!; \,I<:m....n""'U..h"n\ ". . ..,. <br />femm~ also 1- ,'fem\" [proh. fro F femm. worn"". fro Lfemina] (1961) <br />, ~ I""bi"n who pl~y. the lemale role in ~ homovexw:.1 rel"tionghll? <br />iel>ll!le flil.mle \,f<'tcl. ,fgm., .'Ill!\ '" pi lml>ll!lel! l!;<tJJll€l!' \.t"I(,), <br />.'tiU(z)\ [P. Ht., di""...lroug wom....,} (1912) 1:" uductive wom"" who <br />lures men into ellIng.rous or oompromlginll .iIMlion. :' S!REN :!! a <br />wonUUl who "ltr""t. men by IUl ~U"'. 01 charm and mystery " <br />lem.o-rnl \ 'fern.("" )",1\ adj (1182) : 01 or rmling to the femur or thigh <br />iemanlllrtery II (11&2): !heicbicl "-fIery 'bf the thigh lying in it. ~nl.,. <br />rior inner part _ . , .;., <br />I"""to- \J=(P)..\ii\ comb farm [ISV. Ir, D"" or Norw,difteen. Ir. <br />ON fimmliill; $.kin to OEji!t€lIelift"""'): Olle qutdrilfiQ!1th 00-".) p"rt <br />01 (femtOS<:cond> \ ' . . . , ' " . <br />1e-!l1lH \'f;;..m<lr\ fl. pi i__, or le_rn \'fem.{:;r)r.l\ [NL Je. <br />mar..jemur. Ir. 1.. thigh} (1799) 1~, the.proximd boncof Ihc hind or <br />lower limb - e&Jled ..1&0 thighbone 2: the ''''gm<:rll 01 an in.oct's leg <br />HUH i. third Irom th" body <br />'Ien \'len\", fME. fr. OEJenn; ",kin 10 OHO Ie""a fen, Skt parika mud} <br />(bel. 12c): ow lond covered ,wholly or ""rill' wilh wmter unles, "rtif!. <br />cioll)' drained , <br />'fen \'f~n' n, pi fon [Chin (Pek) fhl'J (Ct!. !9(9) -."" yuon at MONEY <br />table , , ' <br />'Ie"~ \'[en(I),\ n. often altrib [ME fellS, .hort for derens dei""s<:) (I4c) <br />1 archaic, mean. 01 !;,rotec,ion , DEFENSE 2: &&rrier intended to <br />prevent e.sape or intrusson or to mark @. bouncL1ry; ~: ~u-ch a b&fner <br />m"de 01 posts and wire or board.. 3: FENCING I 4, ll: " recci.ver of <br />510len goods h: lli 1'1""" where otolen good, mre bought _ 11m!>>!_ <br />\.103\ adj -:- lenee.l-.I;_ " - on the ience: in poriVon of neulr1l1. <br />Hy or mdeC1.!ilOn, .. , <br />'lel1ce vb fenced; lene.lng vdlx) 1 ffi: to endow with & lepco i> (Ii <br />: to keep in or out with. lenee (2): to word of! 2, 10 provide. <br />delens<: lor 3: 10 m<ll (.tolen property) to' l; ience',,,,, vi T m ': !o <br />practice fencing i> (I): 10"""" !.acti"" 01 mUllck .",d defen.e res"",. <br />bling those of lencing (2): to p"rry "rgumonts by shifting ground :! <br />archaic: to provide protection - fen-c",er n <br />lence-mena.!ng \'len(t).,smen-diQ\ n (947) : the rehnbilil&ting of '. <br />deteriorated polilie&J relntion.hip <br /> <br />Icnc~row ,'fell(l}s.,ro\ n (1842): the l"nd occupied by & fence' <br />the uncuItlvMed t%fe1i on each sid-t ' <br />lenc<HllHlllg \'len(tj".,rit-iry\ n (1904): 'Imle 01 indeci,ion <br />ity with respeet to conflicting pooilion. -Ien"~ $liter n ' <br /> n (! 5g!) !: the art or praclice of Mt&ck <br />foil, epee. or ""be.< 2." (I): fENCE 2 (2): the <br />o...eglOn b: mnlerilill W<:d lor building Ie"".. <br />'lend \ 'felld\ vb [ME f.nd... .hoct lor def.nd..J VI <br />, to k""p or w~rd olf: Rill'EL -- often uud with of <br />pro.ide lor; SUPPORT "" vi ! dialBril: to m~ke on <br />.1 a: to try to get &long \vithout help: SHIPT b: t <br />hood . <br />'fwd n. chiefly Scol (1121): .n effort or aHernpl '.p. fo <br />Iwd~l \'fen-d~r\ n (1615): w devie<: Ihllt prolect.: u <br />foam rubber. . bundle of rope. or. wood 110Mt} betw <br />dock or between two bOcfi.t5 that le:\t-$Cns sh <br />: RAILING c: a device in front of locomotives @.nd ~ <br />injury to .nlm,,!> or ped""lri"HS in cue 01 co!li,;on <br />lhe wheel of" motor vehicle e: a low met"Hrame <br />..n opelllirepl"ce I: an oblong or triangular shield <br />to the S1irrup le..rher of " ."ddle to protect" rider', <br />. .!_ad} <br />, & minor "UlOlnobile "ccident <br />~*tm \Io..'nes-t"" n. pi .!me '-,Ire. .,trf\ [NL, fr. <br />! : Ii! gm"U ,"utomic.uJ opening (lIS in " bone): ~$ " <br />between th~ middle mr gnd Ihe veslibule having the <br />or columella l;l!.ached to it, membr~n" - caHed ~l <br />\..(>..'vii-l~.\. f.n~sl'" Yes-lib-uoli \.ves.'tib-y...<.}le\ b: <br />bel"""" tbe middle <ar &nd the eachl"" - ""lied also <br />f."~stro ro-run.da \.ro..'t'n-d~\ 2, "n openitlg CUI in <br />!rnl \.tml\ ad} <br />1f!>_Vtlte \1:;r'nCl;..triil. 'loo.;)-,.triil' ad} [L f.neS!",w$, <br />0.835) : FENESTRATED 2 <br />f~tmt.oo \'fen."..,5trhl.:>d\ adj (849) 1.: provided wi <br />tifrized by windowi1i :1: h~ving one or more openings <br />blood capm"ries) <br />len_tNAl!>l1 \,fen''''''",rii..h~n\ n (1846) ).: the ~ <br />tioning. ll.Ild dC'ligtl oi windows "nd doom in & billl <br />ing in . .un.ce (all ~ wall or membrone) ,,: the <br />~n opening in the bony labyrinlh betweell the inner <br />10 repla"", nnturcl le"estrlle th"l lIre nOI lunclionlll <br />F~nha" \ 'f.,.ne-,n\ n [lrOnel Fe,nn., 1'1. of Fiann, <br />Irish warriors] (lS16) 1: Olle of . legend~ry b"nd <br />inlllreland in the 2d gnd 3d cellluri"" A.D 2: II <br />191h century Irish and lrish-Americon orgllnizntion <br />overthrow 01 British rule in Irel.nd - Fenian adj <br />tniz-~m\ n .' _ _ \ <br />lel1<nel: \ 'fen.ik\ n tAr Janah] (1790) : a ,mall pllle.k <br />(Fennec.... zerda) Wilh large <am <br />lelN.!d \'Ien.')\ n [ME fene~ Ir. OE flnugl, fr. (assumed) <br />fro L feniculum lennelj dim. of fenMm htly; perh. akin 10 <br />.". more ~t ~r.~iNiNE (bei. Ii<:) : n perennial <br />leufu", vulgarel 01' tlie carrot lamily,advenliv <br />cultivlUed.for its foligge ~'1d, arom"lic,roeds <br />len.ay "len"", <ldJ[M~ fro OE f<nnig. Ir. fenn f <br />ing the Ch.",cten'lic. 0/ a fen: BOOPY.2: <br />len!!'wook \'fen.y....grek\ n fMEferiugrek,' fro <br />Groecum;UI.. Oreek My} (bel. f2c): Q leguminou$mJ <br />(Trigoll&lla f"""umgroecum) with aromalic seeds <br /> \Ie.'!e, I.,.'f~\ n (I,5el: Olle 10 whom a 'eolfment <br />fehff.menl \'Id.m~n!. 'leI,)" [MElcoffement. Ir. AF. Ir. <br />with a lee. Ir. OF fief lee) 14;:): Ibe ranting of" fee <br />leoMor \'Ief'~r, 'fef.; f..'Io ~)r. le.\ or feoli-er \'fef.,r. <br />who mnk"" & leoffment <br />.fenfor\ n combiar", [F &. L; F :fi"" fr. L -fer be&ring. <br />Ir. ferN! to corry - more at BEAR}: one thaI be&... (",qu' <br />I",.rl<e "a'm-Yl!le \ 'fer.,!.n""'tu(~)r"i\ adj [L. of wild <br />: wild by n~IUre ~nd not USll lamed ' <br />i~l'lli \ 'fIr.:>!, 'Ier.\ adJ. [ML ieralls. Ir. L f.ra' . <br />fortIS wild -- moreal FiERCE] (1604) !: oi. r <br />01 m ,vild beast : SAVAGE 2 ,,: not dom""ti"" <br />b: 'having =aped frOm domcsti""tion.nd <br />ieM~lIU:U:e \'ferd.~l.'an(t);. .'an(t);\ 11, pi ler <br />iron. $p<&rheadl (! 880) : a larlle extremely ve <br />throps alrox) of Cell I ",I _nd So. America <br />fen \'fi(~)r\ " [ME. fr. OE geftro; .kin 10 OE <br />more at FARE) (bel. 12c) t a",haic: COM?ANJ <br />: SPOUSE <br />'Ie-rln \ 'fer.e.,. '{~;il\ IJ [Sp. f_ir. market. fr. ML - m <br />; em H'i~...@nic mnrket festival often in observance of g <br />'i~rUl \'f!r.c.~. 'fer.\ n [ML - more at FAIR} (1853) <br />church e&Jend.r on whIch no f<&.t lail, -Ie'r;.~! \..;-. <br />fe-r!ne \'fi(o)r..ln, adj [Lferinus. Ir. feral (l64{)); FER <br />!rtt.J.ty \'ier.,t...,\ II lL ferica... Ir. ferosjO 534) , the <br />being f<fal <br />ler.lIe also \,fer.le\ n, pll",lle!l [ME, fro S! <br />unexpected. fr. }iii!r sudden dBnger -. more <br />DEft <br />fe,NUlJ,.tJJl Ver.'mill."\ n [ll, lit.; .top. fro fermare to tt <br />make firm) (842): "prolongation "I tne discretion <br />a lTIusica.l note~ chordt or re-g;f beyond its given ti <br />,ign denotiDg such pro!ongation - called al"" <br />'f~,...m"nt V,)f~r.'ment\ vi 04;:) ).: to undergo <br />.in (9; sta.te of fi';.tltt.tion or ~ntt'113e activity AJ VI <br />ferment"tion ]., to work up (", into a SI"te 01 <br />le;-""'~nl<lllll" \....b~l\ adj <br />'leNnen! \'f~r.,menl alro (,)f,r.'\ " [ME, fro Lfe <br />11.1 SARM} OSCI ). m: n !iving organism ("" n <br />rnentmtion by virtu" 01 i16 <'T1zymes b, ENZ <br />rest: AOIT A TtoN b:. a process of active oft <br />'(the gr<&t period 01 cr""tive - in liternlure -Will <br />ler;./1'!et>>tJJl.llolI \,br'mon.'tii'sh~n. ',mell'\ " (1601 <br />ch.gnge with effervescence b: an enzymaticaHy <br />