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<br /> <br />Exhibit I <br /> <br />Anticipated site development schedule with estimated date of construction <br />start, construction completion, utility, curb, gutter and landscape <br />installation, and tentative occupancy date. * <br /> <br />The DEVELOPER shall develop the subject property as described or shown in these exhibits. If <br />the exhibits vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the written terms shall control. In the <br />event the exhibits address items not specifically addressed in this agreement, the exhibits shall <br />govern with respect to those items. <br /> <br />5.0 REZONING <br /> <br />The CITY conducted a combined hearing on January 10,2001 (Planning Commission - hearing <br />on Concept Development Plan, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment) to consider <br />various aspects of the Planned Unit Development, including the rezoning of the subject property <br />from R-1 Single Family Residence District to Business-Planned Unit Development (B-PUD). <br />The CITY agrees to rezone the subject property to B-PUD, subject to the DEVELOPER's strict <br />compliance with the approved plans, and the terms and conditions of this agreement. <br /> <br />Minor variations from the approved final development plans, which are consistent with this <br />agreement and the underlying Limited Business District (B-1), may be approved by the CITY's <br />Development Review Committee, under the direction of the Community Development Director, <br />as provided in the Roseville City Code (Section 1008). Substantial departures from the approved <br />final development plans will require an amendment to the Planned Unit Development in <br />accordance with Sections 1005, 1008, 1010, 1012 and 1015 of the Roseville City Code. Where <br />not superseded by more restrictive requirements of this PUD, the standards of the underlying <br />Limited Business District (B-1) shall apply, as stated in Chapter 1005 of the Roseville City <br />Code. <br /> <br />6.0 DEVELOPMENT of PROPERTY <br /> <br />Failure by the DEVELOPER to commence development activity in accordance with the final <br />development plans within one year of the effective date of this Planned Unit Development will <br />necessitate the approval of an extension of the development schedule by the City Council prior <br />to the expiration of the one year period. If an extension is not applied for, the Council may <br />instruct the Planning Commission to initiate rezoning to the original R-1 zoning district. For <br />purposes of this provision, development activity shall be defined as obtaining a building permit <br />and beginning project construction on the site. <br /> <br />Development of the property and installation of improvements shall be in accordance with the <br />development schedule provided by the DEVELOPER and approved by the CITY (Exhibit I). <br /> <br />*These exhibits were expressly not attached to the document <br />submitted for recording with the Office of the Ramsey County <br />Recorder. Copies of the exhibits are on file with the City <br />Clerk. <br /> <br />3 <br />