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<br /> <br />9.6 Building Materials. Exterior building materials shall include asphalt shingles on the roof <br />and a mixture of brick, cedar, and maintenance free siding on the building facade. The <br />soffit and fascia shall be aluminum and the structure shall be outfitted with gutters to <br />properly remove roof drainage. The color scheme for the building shall be reviewed and <br />approved by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of any building <br />permits (Exhibit G). <br /> <br />9.7 Mitigation of Impact on Adjacent Residential Uses. All exterior mechanical units shall be <br />adjacent to the building screened from view. For the purpose of this PUD screening shall <br />consist of a decorative wood or masonry fence or a mixture of deciduous and coniferous <br />shrubs. Outdoor or exterior storage of any material, for any duration, is prohibited. <br /> <br />9.8 Tree Preservation. All existing trees indicated on the landscape plan must be preserved <br />and protected during construction, including the large evergreen tree in the southeast <br />comer of the parcel (Exhibit E). <br /> <br />9.9 Site Fencing. The eastern property line (rear yard) must be screened from the adjacent <br />townhouse development with a combination of board on board fencing, six feet in height, <br />and landscaping. <br /> <br />9.10 Site Landscaping. Landscaping for the project shall be comprised of shrubs and <br />perennials at the site entry and along the front (west side) of the condominium complex. <br />Coniferous and deciduous trees shall be installed along the rear (east) property line to <br />screen the development from the existing townhouse development. The landscape plan <br />shall include screening (plants and/or berm) of the parking lot to a height of 30 inches <br />above the parking lot curb height. The site must be irrigated. The final landscape plan <br />must be prepared by a state registered landscape architect as per Section 1010 of the City <br />Code (Exhibit E). <br /> <br />9.11 Landscape Letter of Credit. Prior to the issuance of a grading, excavation, foundation, <br />and/or building permit, the DEVELOPER shall provide the CITY with a landscape letter <br />of credit, bond, or other security acceptable to the City, in an amount equal to 150% of <br />the full cost of all landscaping, irrigation, and site restoration (Section 1010.14E). The <br />specific amount of this letter of credit or other security shall be determined by the <br />Community Development Director, following approval of plans. <br /> <br />9.12 Trash Handling. Trash handling shall be in accordance with Section 1010.11 of the City <br />Code, which requires trash collection areas to be within a roofed enclosure or inside the <br />building. Trash collection activities shall be restricted to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday <br />through Saturday. <br /> <br />9.13 Site Access. Access to the office condominium parcel shall be provided from the private <br />roadway known as Lovell Lane. This access shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and <br />designed to accommodate a left turn out only movement. <br /> <br />Ii <br />tY' <br />