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<br />Dennis Welsch <br />May 9, 1996 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />This existing generation and distribution data can be used to adjust the existing traffic <br />volumes to background forecasts for future traffic analyses of various land use scenarios. <br /> <br />Capacity Analyses <br /> <br />A capacity analysis is an established method for determining the quality of traffic flow <br />through an intersection or along a roadway segment. The basic output from a capacity <br />analysis is a letter grade (A through F) similar to letter grades on a report card. Level of <br />service A (LOS A) signifies a high quality of traffic flow with little or no delay and <br />congestion, while LOS F denotes operating conditions with long traffic delays and queues <br />and severe congestion. The capacity of a roadway or intersection is typically given as LOS <br />E. <br /> <br />The minimum acceptable LOS is usually dependent upon the size of the metropolitan area <br />and the aggressiveness of the driving public. Most governmental agencies within the Twin <br />Cities Metro area use LOS D as the minimum acceptable design level of service. Roadway <br />segments and intersections with operating conditions below (LOS E or F) the minimum level <br />need to consider mitigating improvements. <br /> <br />Capacity analyses were conducted for each of the following seven key intersection locations <br />surrounding the State Farm site using the procedures outlined in the 1994 Hi~hway Capacity <br />Manual Update. <br /> <br />o The CR B intersections with TH 51, State Farm Boulevard, Pascal Avenue <br />and Hamline A venue <br /> <br />The Commerce Street intersections with Pascal Avenue, N. Albert Street <br />and Hamline A venue <br /> <br />Analyses were conducted for both tl1e peak weekday and peak weekend-day hours. The <br />results of the analyses are documented in Table 1. <br /> <br />The data indicate that the CR BrrH 51 intersection currently operates at LOS F during both <br />the peak weekday and weekend-day hours. However, observations of the intersection <br />operations during the peak traffic demand periods indicate that only some of the signal <br />cycles were loaded (Le. in most instances, vehicles cleared the intersection in one signal <br />cycle). The data also indicate that the other six key intersection locations currently operate <br />at LOS A or B with only minor congestion during the peak weekday and weekend-day hours. <br /> <br />Safety Analysis <br /> <br />A traffic safety analysis was conducted to determine the recent accident history of the <br />following seven key intersection locations surrounding the State Farm site. <br /> <br />o The CR B intersections with TH 51, State Farm Boulevard, Pascal Avenue, <br />N. Albert Street and Hamline A venue <br /> <br />'" <br />