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<br />Dennis Welsch <br />May 9, 1996 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />The signalized traffic operations along CR B and Hamline A venue allow <br />protective/permissive phasing in tillS area, except for the State Farm <br />intersection, where protected only phasing on CR B is present. <br /> <br />Existing Traffic Volumes <br /> <br />The existing average daily traffic (ADT) demands on the major access roadways to/from the <br />site were obtained from 1994 MnDOT Traffic Flow Maps. These ADT's are shown in <br />Figure 3. The data indicate that the existing ADT's in this area are: TH 36 - 74,000 <br />vehicles per day (vpd), TH 51 - 42,000 vpd, CR B - 16,500 vpd and Hamline Avenue- <br />10,500 vpd. <br /> <br />The existing peak hour traffic demands were detemlined by traffic count,> conducted by <br />BRW, Inc. personnel during April of 1996. Because of the retail nature of this area. both <br />weekclay and weekend counts were conducted. The weekday counts were conductec1 from <br />4:00 to 6:00 PM at the CR B intersections with TH 51, State Farm Road, Pascal Avenue and <br />Hamline A venue and the Commerce Street intersections with Pascal A venue, N. Albert <br />Street and Harnline A venue. The data indicated that the existing weekday PM peak hour in <br />this area is from roughly 4:30 to 5:30 PM. The weekday PM peak hour traffic demands at <br />each of the key intersections are shown in Figure 4. <br /> <br />The weekend counts were conducted from Noon to 3:00 PM at the CR B intersections with <br />TH 51, State Farm Road and Harnline Avenue and at the Commerce Street/Harnline Avenue <br />intersection. The data indicated that the existing weekend-day peak hour in this area is <br />roughly from 12: 15 to 1: 15 PM. The weekend-day peak hour traffic demands at each of the <br />counted intersections are shown in Figure 5. <br /> <br />Existing Site GenerationlDistribution <br /> <br />The existing weekday peak hour traffic generation and distribution to/from the State Farm <br />site was determined by traffic counts and vehicle trace studies conducted by BRW, Inc. <br />personnel in April of 1996. The generation to and from the office building was determined <br />by counting inbound and outbound traffic to/from each of the six access driveways to/from <br />the office building site and the three access driveways to/from the overflow surface parking <br />lot south of Commerce Street. The data indicated that the existing weekday PM peak hour <br />(4:00 to 5:00 PM) traffic generation to and from the site was 60 inbound vehicles and 516 <br />outbound vehicles. <br /> <br />The distribution of traffic from the office building to the adjacent roadway system was <br />determined by following exiting vehicles until they crossed a predetermined cordon boundary <br />(Figure 6). Distribution percentages were then calculated for each of the major access <br />roadways that cross the cordon boundary from the site based on the fifty trace studies that <br />were conducted. The resulting distribution percentages are shown in Figure 6. The data <br />indicate that the vast majority (66 percent) of traffic from the site during the weekday PM <br />peak hour is oriented towards the east on TH 36 (40 percent) and north on Hamline A venue <br />(26 percent). <br /> <br />'" <br />