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<br />.. <br /> <br />fa <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />The site plan indicates the provision of an 18 foot I.Jr~\ie'''ay C:1 the east side <br />of the property. For purposes of good circulation, I y'uld recommend that <br />this driveway be increased in width to 24 feet. The proposed driveway in <br />front (or south) of the property is commendable because of its curvilinear design. <br />However, the site plan does nol indicate the provision of parking amas ulong <br />the driveway for customer park ing. <br /> <br />6. The building elevation indicate~ an all metal face along the we~t elevation of <br />the principal building. All elevations of l11e proposed building will have <br />"public" exposure. Therefore, I recommend that all faces be finished in a <br />similar manner. The used car area should be arch itecturally treated so as to <br />look as if it were an integral of the princir01 building. It would be nice <br />W~li, 'tti'\JH:.ttt~. 'fl(!weVtif~ IiI de~ognlle(j :hoi <br />enclosure of the used car area may cau,se some marketing problems. <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />The appl icar: has submitted for c variance from t!-le Ordinance parking re.:;uirernent <br />which requires one space per 85 square feet of net rel'oil floor ama. The princif'Jal <br />building is approximately 4,500 square feet in area (exclusive of the used car <br />display area). The site plan indicates the provision of 163 outside parkin8 :;paces. <br />The ordinance would required 333 parking spaces. (The recommended "Dayton's <br />Formula" would require 280 parking spaces) Even though the entire 40,000 square <br />feet would be utilized for "retail sales and service", an autcmobile dealership <br />can hardly be regarded as a routine retail service operation. For business othel' <br />than "retail" business, the ordinance requires one space per 150 square feet of <br />net floor area. Under this requirement, the proposed development YIOIJld require <br />189 parking spaces. <br /> <br />8. Automobile dealerships are not usually consideredas compal'ible in the B-1B District. <br />However, if such a project were architecturally treated and landscaped so as to <br />eliminate the most objectionable quoli.ties of ad automobile dealership (such as <br />expensive outside parking, signs, and promotional activities), a dealership could <br />be made compatible with adjacent B-1 B uses. Therefore, architedural treatment <br />and expensi'/e landscaping are an important consideration. Cadillac Dealers <br />usual I y can "stand by itse I f" away from ol'hel' outomobile dea!ersh ips. Un I ike the <br />usual automobile dealership, Cadillac does not need to congregate in a auto- <br />mobile retail orea. <br /> <br />9. In my opinon, the central issues are the orchitectural treatment of the entire <br />building and oxtensive land~cr;ping. <br />