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<br />1006.03: PLAN REVIEW: <br /> <br />2 Plans for the initial construction, or modifications, expansions, or extensions of previously <br />3 approved plans for buildings or structures in existence on January 1, 2000, that increase the etffie <br />4 total square footage or building height of any building or structure by more than ten percent <br />5 (10%), or that increase the required number of public street access points or parking spaces by <br />6 more than ten percent (10%), must be submitted and reviewed as conditional uses as stated in <br />7 Section 1011 and 108, or as a Planned Unit Development as per Section 1008 of the title. (Ord. <br />8 1234,12-15-1999, eff. 1-1-2000) <br /> <br />9 1006.04: PERMITTED, ACCESSORY AND CONDITIONAL USE PERI\HT USES: <br /> <br />10 A Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses. See Section 1005.015.The permitted and <br />11 accessory uses listed under B 2 business district shall be the permitted and accessory uses <br />12 allo'i'v'able in S C Shopping Center District. <br />13 The conditional uses listed under B 2 business district shall be the conditional uses permitted in <br />14 S C Shopping Center District, by a conditional use permit issued by the city council after <br />15 consideration of the planning commission's recommendation. <br />16 <br />17 B. Twenty four (24) hour uses as defined by sSection 1002.02 of this title shall be permitted uses <br />18 in the S-C Shopping Center District but uses within three hundred feet (300') of a residential <br />19 district shall be subject to the additional performance standards as indicated below. A significant <br />20 change in the regular hours of operation of any existing use to twenty four (24) hours located <br />21 within three hundred feet (300') of a residential district constitutes an expansion and <br />22 intensification of the use and shall require modification of the plan and improvements to the site <br />23 in compliance with the standards specified below for twenty four (24) hour uses. (Ord. 1234, 12- <br />24 15-1999, eff. 1-1-2000) <br /> <br />25 1006.05: CENERAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: <br /> <br />26 In addition to the design standard regulations specified in eChapter 1010 of this title, the <br />27 following minimum requirements as set forth in this chapter shall apply to all buildings that may <br />28 be erected, converted or structurally altered in shopping center districts: <br />29 <br />30 A. DimensionalSctback Requirements in addition to requirements in Section 1005.01 <br />31 (Chart): <br />32 1. Setbacks; Variances: Front, side, and rear yards shall be a minimum of one hundred feet <br />33 (100') for the shopping center building. Setbacks for side yards and rear yards for the <br />34 shopping center building adjacent to BIB, B 2, B 3, B 1, B 6, I 1 or I 2 zones shall be sixty <br />35 feet (60'). Independent outlying lots within an S-C zone shall comply with the City <br />36 approved Shopping Center Master Plan and/or Planned Unit Development. If neither exists, <br />37 the B-3 zoning district requirements for freestanding buildings shall apply. If+!he owner or <br />38 developer wishes may, at o'.vner or developer's own option, to vary from the dimensional <br />39 requirements herein, the developer or owner may submit a setback plan wherein design <br />40 conditions or other considerations indicate an variance amendment to these master plan or <br />41 Planned Unit Development. The city, in its sole discretion, may determine whether the <br />42 amendment to the master plan or planned unit development is appropriate. requirements <br />43 'Nhich \vould not conflict v,'ith the general purpose and intent of this code. Consideration of <br /> <br />2 <br />