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<br />1 such variances amendments shall be as stipulated inffiffiSsection 1008 1013.02A of this title, <br />2 and the city council may impose such conditions thereto as may be appropriate. <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 2. Buffer Zone: Where a shopping center district abuts a residence district, any new <br />6 development shall include in the required setback a buffer zone not less than a minimum of <br />7 forty feet (40') in width abutting the residential district. This protective strip shall contain no <br />8 structures, shall not be used for parking, off-street loading or storage, and shall be <br />9 landscaped. The landscape treatment shall include the seeding of grass or sodding of the <br />10 whole of the buffer strip, the planting of shrubbery and trees and maintaining of same, a <br />II compact screen wall, fence, berm, landscaping, or combination thereof, which limit shall be <br />12 not less than seventy five percent (75%) opaque year-round to a minimum height of6 feet <br />13 above the parking lot curb. The landscape treatment planting or fence design must be <br />14 approved by the city and shall be in harmony with a residential neighborhood and provide <br />15 sufficient screening of the shopping center operations. The landscape screening or fence <br />16 shall be no less than six feet (6') at the time of installation. Where a berm, wall, fence or <br />17 combination thereof is required for screening purposes for a commercial use adjacent to a <br />18 residential use, such berm, wall, fence or combination thereof shall be set back from the <br />19 residential district boundary at least three (3) times its height, and landscaped with trees, <br />20 shrubs, perennials and sod or seed to screen fifty percent (50%) of the surface of the gefH:r, <br />21 wall or fence at maturity of the plant materials year-round. <br />22 3. Special Requirements When Rear Yard Includes Loading Area: Where a rear yard of a <br />23 shopping center district includes the loading and servicing area of a shopping center building <br />24 and where such a rear yard is adjacent to or across the street from a residential district, the <br />25 building setback shall be one hundred twenty feet (120'), and the buffer strip shall be sixty <br />26 feet (60'). <br />27 <br />28 B. Floor Area Ratio: Ratio between floor area of building and lot area, exclusive of public <br />29 right-of-way easements, shall not be greater than 1.0 M, except as approved in the project <br />30 master plan or a site specific Planned Unit Development. <br />31 <br />32 C. Lot Coverage: Not more than thirty twenty fi'/e percent (3025%) of the lot area shall be <br />33 covered or occupied by occupiable buildings, except as approved in a site specific Master <br />34 Plan or Planned Unit Development. The "Lot <,'.rea" shall include the main structure, all <br />35 outlots, non buildable pond, landscaping, setback, and buffer areas; all occupiable principle <br />36 structures, accessory structures, accessory surface parking, and parking structures 'Nithin the <br />37 legal description of the site. The lot area shall be defined \vithin a boundary survey <br />38 completed by a state registered land surveyor. The boundary survey must include the square <br />39 footage of all building footprints and the lot area in square footage. Only the lot area directly <br />40 usable for the principle and accessory uses is developable; public access and road right of <br />41 v/ayeasements, exceptions, or road right of way dedications shall not be considered part of <br />42 the developable lot urea. <br />43 <br />44 CD. Building Height: Building height shall be limited to three (3) stories above the main entry <br />45 or first floor grade (as defined in the approved project master plan or the Planned Unit <br />46 Development for the site). ',vhere a basement is included as one of the three (3) stories. <br /> <br />3 <br />