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<br />1 additian af absarbents and distribution af arganic industrial wastes. Neither the inarganic <br />2 nar the arganic industrial wastes may include explasives as defined in title 18 use, sectian <br />3 841 (c) (d) and 27 CFR 55.23. <br />4 3. Cantral Measures: The city cauncil may require cantral measures including, but not <br />5 limited to', the follawing: <br />6 Security afpremises and buildings, access to' and egress fram site, routing of vehicular <br />7 traffic an public streets, security methods far delivery and pickup, starm drainage and <br />8 spillage control facilities, hours af aperatian, noise impact, liability for and cantrol af <br />9 unautharized deli very, impact an cantiguaus praperty and fire protectian. (Ord. 965, 12-10- <br />lO 1984; mud. 1995 Cade) <br />11 <br /> <br />12 \\Victaria\CammDev\Planning Files\3500-3549\3529 _Industrial Zoning Text Amendment - <br />13 Secitan 1007\Sectian lO07(120303).dac <br /> <br />16 <br />