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<br />"~ ..... \'1:- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />, <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />G)~f1AQ~ GJQu)af1C[)~[9~ a~ctQ <br /> <br />lerlll <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL DIVISION <br /> <br />Junllnry 2~, 1989 <br /> <br />Mr. Riek Jopkc, Adclnlstrator <br />Planning and Zoning <br />City of Rosevl11c <br />2660 CIvic Center Drive <br />Roscvl11c, Minnesota 551J3 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Clconco Site <br />2?11 County Road ~~ W~st <br />Roscvlllc, Hlnnesoto 55113 <br /> <br />." <br />, <br />~ I <br />, <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />Venr Rick: <br /> <br />We subalttcd nn application Ler subJc~t's site dCv~l~p=cnt on N~vccb~r 28, <br />1986. A $1.650.00 appllc~tlon Cee was also sub=ittcd ~t tl~'t time. Prior <br />to the public hearIng. the owner chnngcd the plan to indude retaining and <br />re:ooddlng the north DOst build ing lmd demo' lshing the ba:ancc or structures. <br />City rcpr~scntativc8 appalcntly approved of Lhts action os ~vidcnccd by tho <br />atto1chcd lett(!r dalE:d 12/19/88. <br /> <br />. <br />\ <br />" <br />" <br />, <br /> <br />You called approxI.aatelf two week., later and !~llowed up with wr..tten con- <br />firmatIon dated 1/4/89 tl"1t 8t~ff now \Ins not In favor I"if lhh chn.,gc. We <br />t:lH on the matter on 1/18/89 with all concerned pnrties. <br /> <br />n~ owner and the dt.y hnve changed positions to the extent that thh p~oject <br />is no lon8~r feasIble, 1 hereby requc8t thou we be rcc.ovcd frOt::l elt}' agc.'1dn9 <br />in this C'1nttcr. 1 funhcr request thatt due.' to these c.ircumstnnccs. the c~ty <br />repay nIl or at leaat portions of our nppltcatioq fec. Thls would c~rtainly <br />tJU-S~t 801>1' v( tla~ IlclldbhijJ.. Cl ":'ua-y by 8('Lair. We oJll11lCt.lkl c anything you <br />can do to help UB with this C'1ntter. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />.11A~~~L <br /> <br />llirk D. Hurlowskl <br />ChIc! OperatIng Officer <br /> <br />HOH:tar <br />At~,.,chm.ent <br />ntst: Judy 1 r,'...p <br />TOQ Lytlch <br /> <br />443 8TH AVENU~ NW <br /> <br />NEW BRIGHTON. MN 55112 <br /> <br />(612) 633.6944 <br />