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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,December 8,2014 <br /> Page 18 <br /> needed to be repaid if it represented excess money sitting in reserves if the Coun- <br /> cil chose to utilize it for funding operations of capital expenditures. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that he believed that the City was not actually paying <br /> back reserves, but filling in with levy dollars paid with one-time dollars. By fill- <br /> ing in that budget amount previously agreed to versus one-time money, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten opined that there were no additional monies going into the re- <br /> serves. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with Councilmember Etten's comments. <br /> However, when thinking of a way to pay reserves back, Councilmember McGe- <br /> hee noted the amount of time to build up some of those reserves; and if the City <br /> considered building a License Center at some point, it would need the money, ei- <br /> ther from reserves or by bonding. Councilmember McGehee stated that she <br /> strongly supported a "rainy day" fund; and opined that the City wasn't paying the <br /> funds back, but they needed to be available to avoid terrible fluctuations, such as <br /> being experienced in 2015. While the City was lucky those reserves were availa- <br /> ble, Councilmember McGehee opined that if they continued to be used as a gen- <br /> eral policy, the City Council would not have them available in the future to help <br /> taxpayers, and suggested caution. Councilmember McGehee stated that she was <br /> less hesitant to use the reserves this year due to increased property valuations; and <br /> expressed her hope that there were programs that could be cut, some significantly, <br /> in the future, including utility rates with increases laid entirely on residents, and <br /> requiring further review in the future compared to commercial utility rates. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the utility rate increase was to the base fees and applied <br /> to all utility customers, whether commercial or residential, with commercial prop- <br /> erties affected according to their meter size. <br /> In response to the preference to not use reserves for ongoing expenses, Mayor <br /> Roe suggested one way to look at it as proposed for 2015 (referencing page 3 in <br /> the RCA), under budget additions, such as additional CIP replacements, if it cre- <br /> ated more comfort, the reserves could be used to pay $500,000 of those proposed <br /> $723,570 additional 2015 capital replacements, and not considered to be used for <br /> ongoing expenses. While not being able to remember the proposed 2016 capital <br /> needs and whether or not it was sustainable, Mayor Roe noted that it fluctuated <br /> annually, as evidenced with this 2015 CIP including a$700,000 increase. <br /> Specific to saving for a new License Center, Mayor Roe noted that the discussion <br /> had been held earlier in 2014, and it was not actually a City Council policy per se, <br /> it was certainly worth having a conversation about. However, Mayor Roe further <br /> noted that his proposal did not completely eliminate those reserves, but it would <br /> set them back, but still allowed that conversation to move forward while still us- <br /> ing funds to provide relief for Roseville taxpayers at this time. <br />