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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 8,2014 <br /> Page 31 <br /> that the traffic study update would not be done during the holiday season as it <br /> would skew the results and make them artificially high. <br /> Councilmember McGehee observed that the proposed Parkway appeared on the <br /> map to cut through existing Langton Lake parkland. <br /> Mr. Culver confirmed that at least portions of the right-of-way would involve that <br /> parkland, but was unsure of official park boundaries. Mr. Culver noted that the <br /> water feature in that area of the park had been constructed some time ago for <br /> stormwater purposes; but assured Councilmembers and the public that further de- <br /> sign review would include defining areas north and south of that area for storm- <br /> water management. However, Mr. Culver anticipated that there would be some <br /> impact, but the design would be intended to create the least amount of impact in <br /> the area. With updated designs, Mr. Culver advised that water treatment and <br /> stormwater best management practices would hopefully improve those measures <br /> beyond what is there today. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that the existing pond was built to improve <br /> stormwater management, and opined that now staff was looking to cut it in half <br /> and further pollute; and stated that she was not supportive of that portion of the <br /> roadway. Councilmember McGehee stated that this was not a free road, but <br /> would cost$120,000 for design purposes for a road estimated to cost $1.3 million. <br /> Mr. Culver corrected that figure to indicate that the cost of the roadway was esti- <br /> mated at $1.5 million total. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that this was taxpayer money, not a free road, <br /> and taxpayers had already paid for infrastructure in that area; questioning why <br /> taxpayers should be required to pay additional money for a road the City would <br /> need to maintain and with no reason for the community to support. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee opined that the roadway could be designed differently to avoid the <br /> park and water feature. <br /> Mr. Culver reviewed the intended design and AUAR studies to-date that aligned <br /> the Parkway to intersect with Terrace Drive for a four-way intersection to create <br /> the most advantageous collector street and as the best option for moving traffic. <br /> While the design of that intersection could be offset as suggested by Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee, Mr. Culver advised that it would not then move traffic east <br /> and west of Fairview Avenue more efficiently or in a more convenient way as a <br /> function of a more comprehensive road network as envisioned for the community <br /> through studies completed to-date. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if Mr. Culver concurred with this assump- <br /> tion to provide the stop where it was proposed at the end of Arthur Street, or con- <br /> tinuing all the way through as viable options. <br />