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2014-12-02_PR Comm Packet
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2014-12-02_PR Comm Packet
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DRAFT Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 17, 2014 <br />Page 7 <br />1 of Maplewood offering lifetime memberships for initial contributors in building <br />2 the facility, and asked that options such as that be included by the Commission as <br />3 well. <br />4 <br />5 Cedarholm Golf Course and Clubhouse <br />6 Chair Hold noted that the current clubhouse had been placed on the site in the late <br />7 1950’s, and had more than exceeded its useful life. Chair Holt noted the need to <br />8 determine how to plan for its replacement, as it seemed to be valued by the com- <br />9 munity. In consideration of the City’s overall budgeting, Chair Holt sought City <br />10 Council input on how they wanted the Commission to approach this major issue <br />11 and the information they wanted provided for their decision-making, whether the <br />12 Golf Course remained as an Enterprise Fund or was funded similar to the OVAL. <br />13 <br />14 Councilmember Laliberte opined that Cedarholm was an asset to the community, <br />15 while expressing varying degrees of willingness to pursue building a facility or <br />16 making major repairs on the existing building given its age and condition. Coun- <br />17 cilmember Laliberte expressed her interest in receiving the facilities utilization <br />18 data, age, and demographics compared to state and national levels, whether pri- <br />19 vate or public facilities. Councilmember Laliberte recognized the ebbs and flows <br />20 of the industry, but sought additional information on where the Golf Course was <br />21 on that bell curve of utilization compared to other trends and nationwide utiliza- <br />22 tion. Moving forward, Councilmember Laliberte questioned if the Commission <br />23 would feel comfortable developing a plan for how to continue promoting the fa- <br />24 cility and expand or increase use beyond the status quo. <br />25 <br />26 Councilmember McGehee opined that she considered this a capital improvement <br />27 program (CIP) issue versus an Enterprise Fund issue. Councilmember McGehee <br />28 expressed her frustration with the Commission being fully aware of this need, as <br />29 well as that of the skating center, and not including those needs as part of the sub- <br />30 stantial amount of money allotted for CIP needs, but instead choosing to spend the <br />31 money elsewhere. Therefore, Councilmember McGehee stated that she wasn’t <br />32 feeling very good about this issue, since she felt good about the existing park fa- <br />33 cilities, and it was her understanding that those facilities would be improved and <br />34 maintained; and further stated that she was hearing that from the community as <br />35 well, that the new facilities being constructed were not what they had in mind ei- <br />36 ther. Councilmember McGehee sought information on whether fees could be <br />37 raised at the golf course to make the operation sustainable; and recognizing that <br />38 the City of Edina recently closed a golf course, and not wanting that to happen <br />39 here, she supported it as a good course for young kids and the elderly in the com- <br />40 munity who were not semi-pros, but simply seeking a local community golf <br />41 course. Councilmember McGehee noted the desire of the public to see the course <br />42 well-maintained, and questioned why one of the park buildings could not have <br />43 been located on the site to replace the club house and serve various functions. <br />44 However, Councilmember McGehee opined that the Commission had not come to <br />45 ask about any of that and had therefore failed to set priorities. Councilmember <br /> <br />
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