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2014-12-02_PR Comm Packet
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2014-12-02_PR Comm Packet
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DRAFT Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 17, 2014 <br />Page 8 <br />1 McGehee agreed with Mayor Roe’s comments about not being interested in tak- <br />2 ing on more major financial issues, since funds were not available to pursue eve- <br />3 rything. Councilmember McGehee reiterated her disappointment that funds were <br />4 not used to build a nice club house for the community; and she was unsure what <br />5 to do about it now. Councilmember McGehee further opined that, if the Commis- <br />6 sion could make a plan on how to fund a new club house, perhaps peoples could <br />7 contribute to make a good club and if offering lunches, perhaps it could draw a <br />8 nice golfing clientele, similar to other gathering buildings, and perhaps offer <br />9 cross-country skiing during winter months. Councilmember McGehee expressed <br />10 her interest in seeing the Commission come up with such a plan. <br />11 <br />12 Mayor Roe pointedly clarified that Cedarholm was not an exclusive Parks & Rec- <br />13 reation Commission golf course, but belonged to the community, and therefore it <br />14 wasn’t up to the Commission to figure everything out. Mayor Roe expressed his <br />15 disappointment with Councilmember McGehee’s attempts at lecturing the Com- <br />16 mission, opining that if everything needing done had been pursued in using the <br />17 Parks Renewal Program bonding funds, the cost would have been three times over <br />18 that bond issue. Mayor Roe further clarified that it had been known from the on- <br />19 set that the Parks Renewal Program was only a partial solution for the community, <br />20 and it had been determined to address some things first, and noted that Cedarholm <br />21 and the Skating Center had not been excluded or not recognized as needing work. <br />22 Mayor Roe opined that, at this point, to second guess how the bond funds should <br />23 have been spent and reprioritizing the decision-making at this point was futile, <br />24 and the City Council and community needed to move past that mentality. <br />25 <br />26 Councilmember Etten stated that he was looking for some sense from the Com- <br />27 mission of what a replacement would b, since there were multiple ways to replace <br />28 it as well as multiple uses it could serve. Councilmember Etten questioned <br />29 whether renovating the current building had validity, but requested information <br />30 from the Commission on that option: and whether to consider a higher-end club <br />31 house or a renovated club house, and pros and cons, and rough costs, for either <br />32 choice. Councilmember Etten further expressed his interest in looking at how the <br />33 enterprise could enhance revenues outside of golf, such as seeking revenue <br />34 sources for that space. While replacing the roof and other major repairs have <br />35 been on the CIP for several years, Councilmember Etten asked that those major <br />36 repairs over $20,000 not be considered until a more robust community discussion <br />37 is held. Councilmember Etten stated that he was in agreement with Mayor Roe’s <br />38 comments, and opined that there had been significant opportunities for the City <br />39 Council, the community and other interested parties to provide input for the Park <br />40 Renewal Program components, with choices and priorities made after significant <br />41 discussion. Councilmember Etten opined that to bring this issue up repeatedly af- <br />42 ter 3-4 years of that decision having been made was not helpful to the community <br />43 nor did it improve the future of the community in any way. <br />44 <br /> <br />
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