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Regular City Conncil Meeting <br />Monday', November 17, 2014 <br />Page 3 <br />Deer Population in Roseville <br />(.1701TImissioner Stotier advised that the Coniniission, mras seeking direction From <br />City COU1161 on specific issues with managing the dCCI- POPUlation; with the <br />the ( I <br />Cominission to -date only explco-ring preliminary infonnation on the logistics and <br />process for a managed hUnt in Roseville, Connnissioner Stoner noted that con- <br />siderable im,)re diSCUSSiOn and direction would be needed prior to PUT-SLfing that <br />option, witch the range Of Population densities of the deer in areas city-wide and <br />not only in one area. Commissioncr Stoner offered to bring additional infor- <br />tnation, including costs, control inechanisin, and Other options back to the City <br />Council if that was their direction. <br />COUncilmernber W111mus noted that a neighborhood gTOUP had previously ex- <br />pressed interest in soriie niethod of control; and noted the great deal of comment <br />on this subject that he'd heard during his recent campaign door knocking, and <br />confirmed that the deer population was not necessarily confined to one area of <br />Roseville, but reniaincd an area of coticern for residents. CCiUIICilInCHIbCI <br />Will,111LIS expressed his personal interest in finding out more about how other <br />communities responded to the (leer Population problein, including their successful <br />and/or non -successful methods, IIICaAircs, and the possibility of partnering with <br />other conlinUnities in the arca experiencing the same problern regionally, not just <br />jurisdictionally. COLUICilmember Willn-ILIS Supported the Cornmission taking a <br />look at the problem, and providing options to thin City COUTICil. <br />("I ouxicilmember McGehee expressed her persoi,ial and definite opposition to as <br />bow hunt within hmited open space in Roseville; noting that this was not a Rose - <br />Ville -specific deer herd, but area -wide, and niore tracking data and inforniation <br />would be helpful, Such ZIS from the Cities ot'Little, Canada and Shoreview, Coun- <br />cifi-nerriber McGelice also SLtg&,Lsted more information from the Conimission oil <br />how the City could hell) residents having considerable issues with deer devouring <br />their plantings, since the issue seemed to be less about vehicles and accidents and <br />more about eating shrubs or plantings, Councifinernber M16-Jelice suggested sorne <br />type of herd managenient option with less deadly results. <br />COU11CHMICniber Elten expressed his interest in hearing as variety ofinethods, and <br />stated lie could support bo\A,, and arrow hunting as that seemed to be a safe and <br />Successful in other metropolitan communities, Such as Little Canada. Coun- <br />cilmeniber Etten also cKprcssed interest in polling other nIUniCipI'IlitiCS to hear re - <br />Suits of their deer herd population control niethods, both positive and negative re- <br />SUltS. <br />COLITT61111CIIII)Cr Laliberte spoke in SUpport of determining the actions and res-uhs, <br />of other rnetropolitan communities, and their Current or ongoing programs, Coun- <br />cilinember Laliberte offered to mention the iSSUc at the UPCOI-11ing R("I.,,,LG meet- <br />ing <br />