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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, November 17, 2014 <br />Page 4 <br />Mayor Roe noted, froin his discussions and Outreach frorli neighboring mayors, <br />the need f(..)r Jpint efforts to address this regional problem, arid apologi zed to those <br />inayors for not ['011OWnIg Up on the issue. Mayor Roe suggested that the Commis- <br />sion and/or staff' look at the issue further, and suggested some of tile partnering <br />should involve Ratlisey County as well. <br />Con IIILI i ('Clltej <br />Chair Holt asked for City COUncII direction on whether or not to pIUrSUe this issue <br />in 2014/2015, as the Con-irnission had kept it on the back burner for a long tirne, <br />CVCrI thOUgh it Was Part Of discussions and, the whcole process during the Park Rc- <br />newal Prograin and bonding consideration, Chair Holt advised that limited in- <br />formation was available, but sought direction from the City Council oil whether <br />they wanted more information or updates oil the existing information, or no action <br />at all by the Commission. <br />C0UIlCilHIeJIIbCI McGehee !Sta�lted that personally, she would say taco, because the <br />opportunity was missed xhen the bonding arid community survey NAtent through; <br />with the rcAdt ()f six gatilering spots or buildings, only supported by 6% ofthe <br />residents surveyed, with a considerable amount of' public irioncy already spent, <br />and the decision already rnade on how, it Would be spent. Councilmernber McGe- <br />hee stated that slue favored a community center first, but the choice was not made <br />that way. <br />Chair Holt clarified that the Cornmiss4ni did not consider the gathering places to <br />serve tile SaTTIC 1)1.11-110SC Zis a coo-nnimuty center', with the public's vision consisting <br />of a nILICII larger structure to serve ITILIftiple functions. <br />Counciltnernber McGehee opined that the public lead trot SUP1101-ted upgraded <br />buildings to replace warming houses, arid not six buildings supported by, only W6 <br />Of the Populace. Until she observed how the Parks Renewal Pro, rarn buildings <br />were used arid funded fcW maintenance, she was not filterested in purSUitlg other <br />buildings, <br />COLHICilmember L,i,'fliberle opined that it was always good to collect updated in- <br />formation taTMo assist in ongoing decision making over the short- and long-term., and <br />Supported as limited aniount of Corrunission time to be spent on the issue. COUn- <br />ciltnernber Lalit.)crtc spoke in Support of' updated ini"onnation on the Shoreview <br />Coinniunity Center and recent improvenients they undertook and their jUStifiCa- <br />lion of, those iinprovenients and associated costs-, i in pro venients, on the New <br />Brighton Corinnunity Center, if any, and any recent infImnation available foill <br />the City of Maplcwood's facility. COUnciltnernber LaIlberte expressed her inter- <br />est in obscrvin, how the new [lark Renewal FIrograrn buildings would be utilized <br />over the next year, and t.berefore, thought the earliest need for updated inf'or- <br />rnation by the City COUncil would be in 20l6, <br />