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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />12. For Rczonlng Only: <br /> <br />A. If propcrty to be rGzoned 15 currently zoned ln two or morc zonlng <br />classlflcatlons, set forth the leg~l descrlpt10n of cach such <br />separate zoning cldSS1tlcat1on. <br /> <br />B. If proposed rezoning will rezone the property ~ntc two or more <br />separate zonlng clasSlflcatlons, set forth the legal description of <br />each such separate zonlng class1fic~tlon. <br /> <br />13. For Spcclal Use Only: <br /> <br />A. City Code Section au~horlzlng speclal use perm1t: <br /> <br />14. For Vacatlon ~f R1ght-of-Way Only: <br /> <br />A. A petlclon must be submltted, signed by at least 51% of the <br />abutt1ng property cwners. The or1glnal statement In thc petition <br />should be as follows: "We, the vmlcrs1gned, owners of at least 51% <br />(flfty-one p~rce~t) of the property ~buttlng __ <br />request that thlS sect10n of rlght.of-way be vacated because It 1S <br />no 10'l.ger of value to the general publlc." <br /> <br />All property owners slgnlng the pct~tlon shall llst thc1r address <br />and legal descrlpt10n of thelr property. <br /> <br />15. Jor <br /> <br />Platt'\n~ qn1l.':..i.. <br />.. <br /> <br /> A. Number of !.ots~ 01/(; AD' I 1ltJlI <br /> B. SubdlV1S1on · 1;:-,' known as: <br /> C. Eng1ne~t': Narre Phone <br /> D. Land !'lanner: Name Phone <br />16. Fa: D1V1S10r. of Platted Lot Only: <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />Separate legal dcscrlptlon for each newly created lot shall be <br />prov1del:. <br /> <br />17. For Relocatlon of Dwcll1ng Only: <br /> <br />A. The legal de"cnptlon shall be of the land upon thE: bUlldlng <br />15 to be moved. <br /> <br />B. The appllcatlon shall bo accompanlcd by a wrltten consent and <br />approval of at least 50~ of the property owners w~thln 150 feet of <br />the relocatlon. <br />