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<br />. <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />18. For Varlance Only: <br />A. Varlance is requested froM the follow1ng sect10n of the city Code: <br /> <br />B. State exactly what lS 1ntended to be done 00 or w~th the propcrty <br />WhlCh does not ~onform with the Ctty Codc: <br /> <br />19. i\ppl1cants requestlng a rezonll.<.j. special use permlt, varlancc, d.l.Vl- <br />Slon cf lot, or plattlog of prl:lperty are encour&.gcd to conduct a neigh- <br />borhood meet~ng at least flftel;n (15) day~ before the scheduled Plannlng <br />Comm1sslon PubllC Hear~ng. and shall send notlces to all of the affected <br />propert" owners. Affected OWnE)rS are those llsted on the <br />Abstrac ..or' f' Ccrtlhcate. The meet " shall be a tlrl'e for the applicant <br />to rencw and expla1n the propclsed development to the owners. <br /> <br />This requ1rement applles only when reS1.dentlal propert}, R-l through R- <br />8, is llsted on the Abstractor's Certlflcate. Thl& requlrement does <br />not apply to property proposed for develupment WhlCh 1~ zoned R-l and <br />wlll be or cort1oue to be used for slogle famlly hous1ng. <br /> <br />please -lndlcate the date that you have met or wlll be meet10g wltll the <br />affected property owncrs:.,dAArS tAsty - l'.r N.. V,'T'I.I"Ia'.. f4t!T 3/1'1" <br /> <br />Infonnation to be subml.tted for all appll..::ations except m1nor varldnce: <br /> <br />./ A. <br /> <br />Appllcation and Fce. <br /> <br />B <br /> <br />AbstractOl'S Cert1f1cate llstlng the NAMES AND ADDRESSES of the <br />owne.s of the land w1thln 250 fect of the boundarlcs of the property <br />10 quest1~n as those names appear on the records of the Ram~ey County <br />Audltor (35~ feet for Spec1al Use Permlt and rezonlng appllcatlon). <br />Hear1ng not1~~S will be rnalled to llstcd property owners. <br /> <br />./ C. <br />./ D. <br />t/ E. <br /> <br />Proposed Plan {L coplesl. <br /> <br />8 1/2 x 11" reduc':' "'lns of the proposed plan (26 COplCS). <br /> <br />WLltten statement oy t'c appl1cant WhlCh prov1des the detaLls of <br />the appllcatlon. The ~~,temcnt will bc glvcn to the <br />Com.'1liss~on and C1ty Coun-::~l along w1th the City Planner's rcport. <br /> <br />F. <br /> <br />Documents as rcqultej by the ":lty Plannel. <br /> <br />20. Appllcatlon Process: <br /> <br />A. Appllcatlon and accompanYlng docurr.~'ts revlcwcd with th~ Clty <br />Staff . <br /> <br />8. Completcd appllcatlon ~rcscnt8d to the C.ty Councll for referral to <br />the Plannlng Co~mlSSlon for publiC hcarln~. <br /> <br />C. Plann1ng Coromls~lon conducts publlC hcarlng al.i makes reco~menda- <br />tlon to the Clty Councll. <br /> <br />D. Clty Councll conducts publiC ncarlng. <br />