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<br />,..,., <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />VNUA":"CE :"1 Zf'] !I'Tr; N"JI"T\:ICB <br /> <br />APPLICA.TI0 T P')'~ VA'~IA:r.:E FR(iI{ <br />p;mVISIO~S OF ZO'H'~., O'BINA..\'CE <br /> <br />Fee: SSiJ.OO <br /> <br />CITI OF mSEVILLE, m:NES0TA <br /> <br />Case ~:O. <br /> <br />DucctJ.ons: hl[ ..:ut thl,S fom in duplicate by typing or pnntlng 1n wk. Il: the spaces <br />providl-d are InsuffIcient, use addltwnal sheets, keYIng Infomatlcn to the <br />nroner i tern nwr-.ber. <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />1tN'An'^f $TNAN'r..iill. ('J)Q~tl ",'rTON <br />. arle? ( mer (.last <br /> <br />(fust) <br /> <br />(middle) <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />7900 Xerxes Ave. S. <br />Address of G\mer <br /> <br />(Uo. and Street) <br /> <br />Minneapolis, Mtnncsota <br />(City) (State) <br /> <br />55431 <br />( Zip ) <br /> <br />3. To be assigned by Roscv~lle Yublic Works Department <br />Street Address of Property In~olved <br /> <br />4. Legal Description of Property Involved: <br />I I t:.. L/ j> r'v <br />~~L'P ~ .l /" 1= <br />7 ~~~ {t"' <br />.h <br /> <br />See Attachc:nent. <br /> <br />S. Present Use: <br /> <br />Va".ant Land <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />Proposed Use: <br /> <br />Multl~fa~ily housing development <br />- <br /> <br />7. Date Property Acquired: <br />8. Pre~ent Zoning Dlstrict: <br /> <br />R~3 plus 1 acre B~2 <br /> <br />9. Variance is requested from the fOll<rNing sections of th(. :OIung Ordinance~: <br />7. 370 ~ (1) Height (2) Floor Area Rat1.o (5) Lot Area (Denslty) & Parkin!!; <br /> <br />10. "hat is the requirement of tl-te Section r::entIoned In IteM 9? See Attachment. <br /> <br />11. State exactly what is intended to be done on or \>lith the property Whlch does not <br />confom \Ii th existing regulations: See Attachment. <br /> <br />Note: The 18.'.-/ requues that the condltlons set fortl1 ln the followmg item ~usr be <br />established before a vanance can be r.rantcd. Exp L.nn In detaIl after each <br />stnte~ent wherein your case conforms to the requlrc~ent~. <br /> <br />12. Difficulties or Ilardship to the ~nlcr; Str!~t appllcatlon of the prOVlSlons of the <br />Zonlng OrdInance "auld result 1n pecul1ar and pract1cal ullflcultlCS or exceptIonal <br />or undue hardshlp upon the aIDer of the bt 1n rlevelo~Ht' "!' ll'>lm! such lot in a <br />manner custO':laIj' anrllep,ally pernbslble \~!thln the 4' I 'l.l>tnct 10 \.,'l'uch s;lld lot <br />is located. [,ranting of the vanance 1S n~ceS<;,II"y fOl ~ oresenatlOll and enJoynmt <br /> <br />